Candle mode


Newly Enlightened
Jul 22, 2006
I really like my MiniMag Rebel flashlights candle mode. Any other flashlights that can do this?
This is a bit of the unsung feature of the minimag rebel; candle/lantern mode.
I really like my MiniMag Rebel flashlights candle mode. Any other flashlights that can do this?
This is a bit of the unsung feature of the minimag rebel; candle/lantern mode.

there are a few that you can take the head/reflector off of, but one method that sometimes works even better is a diffuser like an opaque film canister or chap stick cap or plastic bottle cap put over the top of a light.
there are a few that you can take the head/reflector off of, but one method that sometimes works even better is a diffuser like an opaque film canister or chap stick cap or plastic bottle cap put over the top of a light.
i use it as a lantern, so frankly that doesnt do much :(. it diffuses the light, but plain tailstanding is better. what i like about candle mode is literally candling it: setting it on a table and using it as a small power outage/camping light. it is as bright as a lantern on high but much smaller (though runtime is just about 3 hours as opposed to 15.)
The old Jetbeam Jet II IBS has a removable head/reflector so you can use it in candle mode; powered by a li-ion cell it puts out 250 lumens, which is like walking around with a garage worklight..

You should check out Zebralights, they're all candle mode.
The Proton Pro's will do this with bezel and reflector removal. Also the old Fenix E1. I'm with Lynx_Arc about just making some kind of diffuser.

The Proton Pro's will do this with bezel and reflector removal. Also the old Fenix E1. I'm with Lynx_Arc about just making some kind of diffuser.


the nice thing about a diffuser using it tailstanding is you get light downwards on the surface while candle mode tends to put just about no light downwards.