Cardboard & Kryptonite mega-light


Flashlight Enthusiast
Feb 18, 2008
A place in need of light.
Mega Cardboard Kryptonite-ECD "M.C.K.-EDC"

This is one of my first cardboard based lights, it uses a reflector and lens from a old ACE hardware store light I have had since I was probably around 8. The wiring is from a charger for the 6 volt servo battery on my old HP savage 21 R/C, I even went through the trouble of inserting treaded wire in to the very small connectors which came with the charger switch. All the wires are soldered "first time I used one, originally the wires were aluminum tapped on" to the PR base removable socket, and to the negative metal contact ring. The light uses a piece of cardboard from a UPS box witch still has a "fragile sticker" on it, though this light is anything but that. Weighing so little the light can easily survive repeated drops on to a concrete floor "plastic and cardboard easily absorbers such impact". The tail cap is made out of tinfoil crushed around the rim and then duck taped into shape, this "cap" is then restrained by a red rubber band. This cheap modded light still surprises me to this day. Running a 6 cell Magnum star Krypton bulb, off only one "9 volt" NiMH battery it is surprisingly bright "well for less then 5 minuets". The bulb is easily overdriven from it' 11.4-11.6 volt charged battery. It produces a very white beam that can **** the efforts of even a Xenon 6D Maglite! My friends still like this 4 inch wonder more then some of my current "real" lights.

The M.C.K.-ECD
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Re: Is mod brigher than TL-3 or 9P?

Put in a Magnum Star Xenon bulb and you will really see power. My brightest cheap Mod which to this day surprises me, is my small cardboard light that uses a stock kryptonite 6D bulb with a high drain Nimh 9 volt battery "though it charges to 11.4 for some reason, I get about 3 minutes of run time, but crap does that light put out power:faint: "and looks like crap":whistle:. And it's only 4 inches long.

Beam shots. Is it a thrower? Comparison beam shots.
Re: Is mod brigher than TL-3 or 9P?

Beam shots. Is it a thrower? Comparison beam shots.

Some day I'll get around to beam shoots:rolleyes:, It's a good thrower, it just pisses all over the my 6D Maglite with Xenon magnum star bulb:D. It's like an explosion of light for a few minuets than it just dies "I can only use it for one minute at a time due to the high heat generated by the battery:crazy:" It's really quite funny all my unenlightened friends marvel at my high quality lights, than I pull this little piece of garbage out and their jaws drop:faint:.
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Re: Is mod brigher than TL-3 or 9P?

Originally Posted by BMF
Beam shots. Is it a thrower? Comparison beam shots.
Some day I'll get around to beam shoots:rolleyes:, It's a good thrower, it just pisses all over the my 6D Maglite with Xenon magnum star bulb:D. It's like an explosion of light for a few minuets than it just dies "I can only use it for one minute at a time due to the high heat generated by the battery:crazy:" It's really quite funny all my unenlightened friends marvel at my high quality lights, than I pull this little piece of garbage out and their jaws drop:faint:.

WOW! I demand beamshot. It would be awsome for bike light with some power supply.
Sorry about hijacking the thread. Didn't mean to. I don't have any out door beam shots but a few indoor. But I have to go out now when I get home I'll post others. For now this will ahve to do.
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I redid the info on this light so that I am actually describing what it is rather then what was simply posted in the thread before this one "you can see what I originally typed in the quote underneath the first post. Note: since I made this light it has been EDC a good number of times and the battery has been recharged many times and even short-circuited for over 20 seconds on accident :sick2: but it is still running strong. This light has shown me better long term reliability then my 3xAA Minimag LED, Nite Ize LED drop-in, and even my "old" avatar pictured 30 watt RayOvac has died:mecry:, but this light lives on:twothumbs:ohgeez::D!

Update: 12-15-08 I recently was EDCing it and it got turned on in my leg pocket were it happy ran for over 15 minuets and slightly melted the bottom of it's reflector:(, even though the battery was warm 3 hours later it seemed to have done no mortal damage:thumbsup:. I also added black electrical tape around front of the bezel to stop glare and added aluminum tape to the inside to add a few more reflected lumens to the output:eek:oo:.
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