Cash Paypal?


Nov 29, 2006
Vancouver, BC, Canada
Can someone explain to me cash paypal?

Do you have to have a bank account linked to your account for cash paypal?

Or can you just pre-load your CC paypal from your credit card, use the balance as payment, and that is cash paypal?

I see a lot of requests for this, I assume, CC paypal charges the seller more fees?
Cash AKA non-credit card PP payment is where you have your checking/debit Acct. linked to your PP Acct/ for automatic withdrawl & deposit. That way the seller doesn't incur any CC fees.
I was going to ask the same question.
This is all new to me, I've only every used paypal as a means of buying from places online using my CC.
Turning it around the other way - if I sell something and the buyer uses paypal funded by their CC would I be able to refuse payment at some point, or does it go through straight away , and I would incur a cost?
My understanding is that a PP Premier acct. will accept CC (or cash/bank transfer), but a personal acct. will only accept. cash/bank transfer. A lot of people have 2 PP accts., one of each, and use them accordingly. A Premier acct. is necessary for ebay, for example, and handy for selling to CPF buyers that want to use a CC, but you will incur fees.
You need to get a VERIFIED account to link Paypal to your bank a/c. The advantage is then that you can then pay in cash, rather than by CC, so the vendor doesn't get hit for CC fees. The CC is then used as a back-up (you can still elect to use your CC in a deal, for example on fleabay with a dodgy-sounding dealer, to get the CC protection).

Your address is confirmed when your Paypal a/c is a verified one, so a seller knows you are who (and where) you say you are.

It's a PITA going throught the procedure to get verified, but worth the trouble IMO.
A regular PP account lets you send money only from a checking account, and receive money only from someone else's checking account. This type charges no fees.

The Premier PP account does the above, but also lets you send and receive from credit cards. It charges a fee irrespective of whether you receive from a checking account or a credit card.

So many folks will have a regular PP account and a premier PP account. If someone is sending them money from a checking account, they direct it to the regular PP account to avoid the fees. If someone is sending from a credit card, they have to receive it with a premier PP account, and thus incur a fee.

peace out
I spent a few minutes to read through some of the paypal agreement. A personal account is limited to $500 in transactions, after that, any money will be held by paypal until the account is upgraded to a premier account, with the asscociated fees.

Cash payments vs. Credit card payments

This is from the agreement.

4.7 No Splitting Payments. You may not split payments between a Personal Account and a Premier or Business Account by directing buyers paying with a credit card to send payments to your Premier or Business Account, and buyers paying with their Balance or bank account to send payments to your Personal Account. If you do so, we will charge you the Fees that would have applied to a Business or Premier Account.
here is a question for you guy's is their a faster way of transfering funds into my paypal account threw my bank? I have heard you can send money direct from you're account thew paypal but I can'ot figure out how? Any ideas for a fellow who is credit-cardless (probably a good thing around you guy's) :laughing: and is new to all this internet dealing's with paypal ect Thanks
Mudd Magnet said:
here is a question for you guy's is their a faster way of transfering funds into my paypal account threw my bank? I have heard you can send money direct from you're account thew paypal but I can'ot figure out how? Any ideas for a fellow who is credit-cardless (probably a good thing around you guy's) :laughing: and is new to all this internet dealing's with paypal ect Thanks

signon to paypal - click the add money button. generally takes a few days for the transfer.

OR - when you pay for something - you can do an instant transfer from a bank account. The bank account has to be linked to paypal. I have more than one checking account - I keep a small amount of money in the one tied to paypal, just to be safe..
will said:
Cash payments vs. Credit card payments

This is from the agreement.

4.7 No Splitting Payments. You may not split payments between a Personal Account and a Premier or Business Account by directing buyers paying with a credit card to send payments to your Premier or Business Account, and buyers paying with their Balance or bank account to send payments to your Personal Account. If you do so, we will charge you the Fees that would have applied to a Business or Premier Account.

That is interesting.
They used to use very similar wording that applied to their Business account holders only.
Looks like they closed that loophole to include Premier accounts as well.

I bet they did that recently when they started allowing Personal accounts to recieve credit cards also.
Currently ALL account types may receive credit cards.
They just charge a bigger transaction fee for Personal accounts.

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