Changing Novatac Reflector


Apr 18, 2007
State College, PA
Ok, i know this may sound like blasphemy with the NT having the perfect beam and all, but I just used a Ra clicky with the narrow beam, and i really want that beam too. Is there a place that sells a narrower beam reflector that will fit the NT? Does the Ra one fit? If it's a Mc reflector it should be easy enough to get from the shoppe and switch back and forth. Anyone done this?
If it's anything like the Ra, the reflector is threaded and loctited, and a bear to change. If the Ra reflectors are a direct swap, you should be able to get one directly from HDS.
I thought about the optic route, but i just got to use a Ra clicky with the narrow beam, and it keeps the very nice evenness of the NT beam, just with more throw.