Cheapest place to buy a 2D Maglite?


Newly Enlightened
Jun 12, 2005
I was just wondering where I could find the best deal on a 2D Maglite online or at a physical store. The best price I have found so far is $15.87 at Lowes. Zbattery has the copper color on sale, but the shipping offsets the savings.
Thats a little cheaper than @ Walmart in Texas.
I got mine for 16 and some change lol.
I was just wondering where I could find the best deal on a 2D Maglite online or at a physical store. The best price I have found so far is $15.87 at Lowes. Zbattery has the copper color on sale, but the shipping offsets the savings.

Yeah, that's not a bad price really. The walmart near me had a 2d + minimag combo pack for $15. I picked one up b/c i needed a 2d, god knows the last thing I need is a minimag buy why not? lol, I'll find something to do with it.

I've been able to find 3d's and 2c's for ~$8 around here between the ratshack and home depot clearances with little effort. No such luck with 2d's though, probably their best seller really.

Good luck! :thumbsup:
I would guess almost any large Walmart/Target or Home Depot type store would have pretty good prices on Maglights.

Remember your not paying shipping when you buy in a physical store, so figure that when you compare.
I've found them a few times at my local Harbor Freight for $12 in black only.

If not at Harbor Freight, I end up ebaying them alot to avoid my local (Memphis, TN) 9.25% sales tax