cheapest place to buy & import VectorTwin VEC192 to Oz?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 19, 2007
The 11th Dimension
Shipping to Australia is not cheap & I cant find any VEC192's local.

Few on ebay seem the cheapest, anyone know a cheaper place to buy? If I ask the seller to ditch the unneeded SLA, maybe it would make shipping cheaper?

any ideas?
hehe, yeah I'm guessing its really about 3000+lm, dunno really as it has a horrible voltage sag.

The info on that site would have to be the biggest exaggerated BS i've seen. :crackup:

But the VEC192's Reflector is awesome with H7 bulbs focused. Produces HUGE throw & flood.

Wish I could just buy a replacement reflector & lens.
That's quite funny about the lumen rating and the first time I've ever been pointed to their claim. Oh well, it's good for a giggle. I suspect that Flashanator is pretty close with 3000+ lumens though.