Cleaning a SSC P4's gummy dome


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jul 11, 2005
Trieste, Italy
In working with a SSC P4, its dome has collected a lot of assorted crud and dust. How do I get it off without damaging the dome?

Have cleaned several with alcohol and a swab, but not cotton. Pick up the swabs that look like little sponges.
I use medical alcohol swabs leaves the LED pristine will also remove excess AA, been doing it for a couple of years and no problems.
Isopropyl Alcohol on a Q-tip works every time with no threads left on the dome. Give it a minute to evaporate off the dome and leads before powering up. Isopropyl Alcohol is recommended by Seoul Semiconductor, from the .pdf on pg.15:

• This device should not be used in any type of fluid such as water, oil, organic solvent and etc. When washing is required, IPA(Isopropyl Alcohol) should be used.
i use a spit and fingger and it works okay even on P7, probably not the most hygienic :)

Now that i read all the post, i'll use alcohol instead.