Flashlight Enthusiast
Anyone live in Colorado?:naughty:
How do you like it and where are you located?
I've been struggling with the thought of moving to Durango for years and think I may finally be ready to try it.
Time keeps tickin away, I have no girlfriend/wife, kids, pets, or job so now is probably as good of time as any......oh...and my lease is up Dec 15th..
I've lived in Michigan for my entire life.
I was born and lived in Ypsilanti till 5yr, moved to Ann Arbor and then to Brighton when I was 12. When I first moved out of the house I returned to Ann Arbor and then to Ypsi. After loosing my license, I returned to Brighton where I have lived since. I'll be 32 real soon and feel that if I don't take the chance now, I may never take the chance.
I really do like it here but as every year passes, I think more seriousely about trying something different. Just the thought makes me nervious and excited. I've been there twice before and enjoyed the small town feeling and all the surrounding mountains and trails. I enjoy the outdoors, but don't have a lot of options where I currently live.
Anyway, enough with the rambling.....Who lives in Colorado, or has lived there? and what are your feeling toward the beautiful state?
Any thoughts about stepping outside your comfort zone and moving are also welcome as they are very relavent to this thread.:twothumbs


How do you like it and where are you located?
I've been struggling with the thought of moving to Durango for years and think I may finally be ready to try it.
Time keeps tickin away, I have no girlfriend/wife, kids, pets, or job so now is probably as good of time as any......oh...and my lease is up Dec 15th..

I've lived in Michigan for my entire life.
I was born and lived in Ypsilanti till 5yr, moved to Ann Arbor and then to Brighton when I was 12. When I first moved out of the house I returned to Ann Arbor and then to Ypsi. After loosing my license, I returned to Brighton where I have lived since. I'll be 32 real soon and feel that if I don't take the chance now, I may never take the chance.
I really do like it here but as every year passes, I think more seriousely about trying something different. Just the thought makes me nervious and excited. I've been there twice before and enjoyed the small town feeling and all the surrounding mountains and trails. I enjoy the outdoors, but don't have a lot of options where I currently live.
Anyway, enough with the rambling.....Who lives in Colorado, or has lived there? and what are your feeling toward the beautiful state?

Any thoughts about stepping outside your comfort zone and moving are also welcome as they are very relavent to this thread.:twothumbs
