Come On Old Man Winter !!!

I share your sentiments. I want to take my 3 year old sledding!
Mr. Luthor has a more exotic and exciting sled than most of us - it is a special hybrid mono-wheel one, like in this photo. He stands on the flat plate at the back and leans forward over the wheel to reach the handlebars. I don't know how he manages to stay upright - he must have exceptional balance.

Well let's hope his hands have recovered from that knife incident. His balance must be impeccable. That sled sure looks sweet. Wish I had one
Don't forget about my two battalions of armed and well-disciplined sciurids.

I'm right smack in the fat purple part... this should be fun considering we have two low FWD cars (albeit one with snow tires) and a 4x4 with autolocking hubs that don't... making it 1wd since it doesn't have a locker (yet).

Time to settle in - got plenty of food, water, gasoline for the generator, gas for the fireplace, ammo, and batteries. Can't forget the batteries!
Well that just isn't fair... We need at least one decent Nor'easter. I'm sick of these winter storms with trouble deciding if they want to drop snow, ice, rain, or all three. I want 2 good feet of nice fluffy white powder.
another 3 hr gridlock commute to look forward to with the 6" we are expecting.....happy happy joy joy. Hopefully there will be some good freezing rain so I will have to chisel my car out :wave:. Guess I need to buy a Maxablaster to melt it off.
I remember about a month ago we were supposed to get hit pretty good but the damn weather split as soon as it hit CT, i was so pissed.
12"-18" forcasted where I live. Starting Friday about 15:00. We'll see what really happens. Most of the big snows I remember were unexpected, and the expected ones never actually happened.
I don't know which part of Connecticut you are in Lux, but it looks like we will probably miss out on the good stuff. We'll get maybe an inch here, if we are lucky. :-(
Probably needs it to secure provisions at the local supermarket. You can't just walk in and get bread, milk, eggs and TP when a storm is coming. I just watched the local news do their obligatory story about it.

Oh, I see. Most of us just toss in a couple tear gas cartridges which clears them out for all your shopping needs. :devil:
Well, Old Man Winter sure has missed Vancouver and Whistler up here in Canada... the Olympics will be interesting, that is for sure.
Well, Old Man Winter sure has missed Vancouver and Whistler up here in Canada... the Olympics will be interesting, that is for sure.
Want a warm winter - host the Olympics. The Calgary Olympics was almost ruined by the mild Southerly Chinook winds. This time around Whistler is getting more rain than snow.
They are trucking and helicoptering snow to Whistler. Russia offered 'snow aid'. I posted this cheeky comment on the Canada AM website:
LEDninja said:
Maybe we should stop trucking and helicoptering in snow and accepting snow aid from Russia. Just change the events: Skiing on Whistler; Skating in Vancouver; and Swimming on Cypress Mountain.
Surprising was I got 75% thumbs up! Thought everyone would be mad at me for making fun of the Olympics.

The storm under discussion seem to miss me. Yea! I hate Old Man Winter.
Less than 1 cm Friday and Saturday. 2-4 cm next Wednesday.
Still waiting for the snow...looks like its still a few hours out
I just shovelled a foot out of the driveway. Took me twice as long as a normal snowfall would. Four inches drifted back in before I was done. Before that I was out and saw all kinds of items holding up fallen trees: power lines, "Welcome To..." signs, guardrails, and the like.

It was also a bad night to be driving a non-four-wheel-drive. There were lots of vehicles left midway up hills with footprints leading away if the car was fresh enough. It was snowing hard enough that there were no tracks leading to or from most of the stopped cars. Saw one idiot walking in shorts.
Probably needs it to secure provisions at the local supermarket. You can't just walk in and get bread, milk, eggs and TP when a storm is coming. I just watched the local news do their obligatory story about it.

I'm not sure why everyone gets the same urge to make french toast before a storm...