Cooking in Cast Iron


*the raggedier*
Aug 11, 2003
man ya sure know ya stuff i cant wait to i get this pan seasoned correctly .i love my new tfal pan its kinda light and i don't like that part but its so no stick its funny.this realy is like the 5th or more cast iron pan i tried lol.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Feb 19, 2006
One other question I wondered about is why don't strong food flavors get "trapped" in the oil based pan seasoning? It seems like garlic and other pungent spices would affect subsequent cooked items...but I have no experience with using it.

This does happen, but can be used to great benefit as well. One of my favorite dishes involves a garlic/butter pasta sauce made in a CI frying pan. I don't clean the pan at all, don't even wipe it out, but immediately fry the steak or saute the shrimp and scallops for the meal. A little pepper, and lemon slices at the table. Making my mouth water just thinking about it. :)
