Cool belt carrier for RAZR and light.


Jan 1, 2006
Somewhere in OK
Thought I would post a picture of a cool new belt carrier I got from a place called Hoffners.
They call it a combo pouch.
They only make them to fit Surefire 6P,C2,G2.M2,9P diameter lights.
But I know there are quite a few lights out there in that body diameter.
The LED Lensers for example will fit. Plus you can adjust them slightly with the
provided screws.
I modified my U2 to fit. Removed pocket clip and black plastic clip retainer, and put 3 layers of heat shrink tubing in the necked down area. It fits perfectly.
Not sure if they make them for other phones, mine is a RAZR.
Call Brian at 877-463-3637

BTW, it is made of Kydex.

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Is there some kind of problem with the phone being exposed?
The belt holder my phone came with was even more exposed than this.
I have not had a problem with the phone being like this.
This is just another option for those who like cool lights and phones,
and want to show them off!:)
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I try not to bump into things. Did not know that cover is glass.
Might have to get one of those protective covers for the phone.
Think I saw them at Dealxtreme for like 74 cents.
I stumbled across the ad for Hoffners in the ad section in the back of a issue of American Handgunner magazine. When I told them I wanted it for a U2, they said it would not work because of the clip and necked down body.
I told them to make it for the normal Surefire lights they make them for and I would modify the U2 to fit.
They did not know the clip and plastic piece could be removed so easily. I told them, hey, if Surefire can put it on, I can take it off. Not rocket science here.
Oh yeah the cost was $55 shipped.
The belt clip ont eh back is molded in and very stable on the belt, does not wiggle wobble around. I HATE when they dance all over the place on your belt.:grin2:
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Ingenuity in action . I've bookmarked Hoffners for future spending. Thanks for the link.