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Flashlight Enthusiast
Jul 20, 2014


Oct 17, 2013
Manchester UK
Well I am home, sent home by work director as my Callum is off school(symptoms without the cough). Had a meeting and something must have been mentioned. So 2 weeks quarantine for me! I find it frustrating to be honest, I know it's highly unlikely but have to be safe(get the safe bit). But this is going to make it worse longer term. In 2 weeks what happens then. COVID-19 ain't going anywhere soon, that I am sure of. So then i might possibly get it, then what, more time off.

I will add I am lucky to get full pay and it does not effect sick (not had day off for years). As with others like me , it just does not sit right being off. Integrity , pride, what ever it is. But I am not dwelling on it, will get odd jobs done and make most. Always have to make a positive out of a negative. Family time, rest, catch up on jobs n watch Netflix haha.

Stay safe, this will be coming to you guys , be it next week or next month. Might be different government to government , but UK side it's 2 weeks up to now.


Dec 20, 2012
Northern New Jersey
Well I am home, sent home by work director as my Callum is off school(symptoms without the cough). Had a meeting and something must have been mentioned. So 2 weeks quarantine for me! I find it frustrating to be honest, I know it's highly unlikely but have to be safe(get the safe bit). But this is going to make it worse longer term. In 2 weeks what happens then. COVID-19 ain't going anywhere soon, that I am sure of. So then i might possibly get it, then what, more time off.

I will add I am lucky to get full pay and it does not effect sick (not had day off for years). As with others like me , it just does not sit right being off. Integrity , pride, what ever it is. But I am not dwelling on it, will get odd jobs done and make most. Always have to make a positive out of a negative. Family time, rest, catch up on jobs n watch Netflix haha.

Stay safe, this will be coming to you guys , be it next week or next month. Might be different government to government , but UK side it's 2 weeks up to now.
Sorry ven.
I hope Callum's symptoms are just seasonal allergies, a reaction to the dust around the house due to construction, or a cold.

I got a call from my boss yesterday too. We'll close the office for three weeks. Unfortunately for me as an independent contractor, if I don't work, I don't get paid.

My problem is... if I don't work, I get bored.

The up side is... the weather is getting nicer, there will be more time for bar-b-queing and there will be more family time "fingers crossed that we don't kill each other."

Last night the kids stayed up past my bed-time to finish a puzzle we started earlier in the day.
When I took this picture, I noticed a little sign... "It's All Good!"
I just smiled. :thumbsup:


Oct 17, 2013
Manchester UK
I am pretty sure it's a season flu thing but can not be certain. Each day at a time poppy, I think most will not be working in a week or so. Scotland and wales are shutting all schools from Friday . England won't be far behind !

Yes take advantage and have family time , you can still go out in the car. Go somewhere away from people out in the open. Fresh air is a must! Stay safe poppy and family.

Dave D

Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 30, 2013
Andalusia, España
Here in Spain in the past 6 days cases have risen from 3126 to 13716 which is over a 400% increase.

The latest figures are -


Cases 13,716
Deaths 610 (4.4%)
Recovered 1,081
Hospitalised 5,717 (42%)
Intensive Care 774 (7.5%) % based on number of deaths and those currently in ICU.

Cases 31,506
Deaths 2503 (7.9%)
Recovered 2,941

I cannot find numbers for hospitalisation rates in any other country.


Cases 81,129
Deaths 3241 (3.99%)
Recovered 69,601

So apparently China has had over 81,000 cases and italy has had less than 35,000 yet China has only had 738 more deaths than Italy!

Personally I do not believe the figures that China are supplying regarding the number of deaths, if they are correct what makes Italys death rate almost double?

When you see a hospitalisation % of 42% it's obvious why Countries are trying to stop this with lockdowns because heath systems won't be able to cope.
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Oct 17, 2013
Manchester UK
I dont believe either Dave, besides that, we get to know what they want us to know. This just has not appeared in December, no proof but imo its months before, and being hidden for that time.
Those figures sure give food for thought!
One day at a time, stay safe Dave, fresh air and flashlights is Dr Vens prescription :)

I want to know in 2 weeks and i go back, i could have actually picked it up! As every day /week goes by, the chance of catching grows stronger.


Oct 17, 2013
Manchester UK
Haha, well they text each other sat opposite at tables, updating their faceache page that they are going for a sh1t.

Hope your good CG and the loverly mrs gardiner.

I have 2 weeks of internet searching and buying stuff........darn it. I am now an official full time spender :p

Hooked on Fenix

Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 13, 2007
Looks like this is going to last longer than two weeks. Schools are being directed to set up some sort of online training or take home homework packet for students for the rest of the school year. The government is trying to get out two or three $1,000 checks to each household starting April 6. My workplace is shut down for at least 2 weeks. Church services are cancelled until further notice. People are stocking up on guns and ammo. Apparently, some states are taking advantage of emergency measures to deal with corona virus to sneak in some gun confiscations. The stock market is crashing. The National Guard is being mobilized in several states. The sh1t has hit the fan and the a holes used up all the t.p.


Aug 9, 2015
Dust in the Wind
Italy has a huge population of old people getting this virus. In the case of China they had a huge crackdown of population movement. Like marshall law on steroids. Italy on the other hand did not take it serious at first.
Iran has had a bunch of government officials die but that is largely due to their government being run by people who make Keith Richards look young. China middle class are largely young people mainly because so many people did not make it out of the 1970's there.

You have to look at things in 3 dimensions and stop staring at the death clock to know what is really taking place. My governor for example today announced that now that our state is up to 77 cases he is worried that hospitals will soon be overwhelmed. Yet there's like 500 hospitals in my state and only 5 cases have resulted in people being hospitalized. Another example is some countries are using test kits that have as much as a 50% error rate. Up to 47% positives are false and worse up to 50% negatives are false. When WHO talked to the US about trying out their latest version the US said "nah" and called on their private sector to develop them. A lab in Ohio is churning out millions. A 3M lab was contracted to make 10 million 95 masks by the end of the month so healthcare workers across the globe can be protected.

All these "restrictions" if you will are meant to flatten the bell curve of case numbers going up to case numbers going down. When China did the big crackdown in February the cases started dropping soon after according to charts at the WHO who monitored the whole thing. The only cases happening in China since March 5th (again according to WHO) are coming from people who live outside of China. They are all but back to normal now.

I work outdoors fixing potholes so we keep working like hospitals and grocery stores. In my 32 years of doing that the only time it halted was on 911 and that was for one day. But I know of people who are self quarentined right now. Yeah, it'll probably get worse in some places but other places are already seeing the number of reported cases dropping. The company I work for has given us the option to work from home. But I can't exactly test a load of concrete 30 miles from my sofa.

In the meantime a bunch of people in, oh heck I forget, Australlia? (no India) are getting well due to a combination of medicines, others in Seattle Washington (USA) are getting vacinated with a new vacine, plasma transfusions from recovered people are curing sick people and a 103 year old lady went home from the hospital in China today after being stricken with the COVID-19 virus.
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Jun 7, 2017
For a few days in a row, my bike rides have been through a Mayberry-like series of neighborhoods and parks with 10x the numbers of people that I normally see. Parents are out with kids, kids are playing with siblings and other kids in non-organized groups, and in general people look relieved and happy to spend time doing something other than work and organized large-group activities. It would be easy for me to be a shut-in and think that the world outside looks like an apocalypse; a sure antidote for me is to turn off my computer and actually go outside to see what the world truly looks like. I hope that my local government doesn't impose strict drone-enforced "everyone stay inside" orders--our mental health depends on our ability to get outside and enjoy the world, even if its on a solo bike ride or in a small family unit.

Dave D

Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 30, 2013
Andalusia, España
bykfixer, I'm sure that if a tsunami was heading your way you'd just get your surfboard out!! :D

Stay safe!

I'll catch up with you on the other side of this!!:twothumbs


Nov 10, 2011
I see the same thing happening here in Massachusetts, Parents with their young children walking along the shoreline, running through parks, and just doing leisurely activities, suddenly everything doesn't have to be crammed into a two day weekend. It's a good thing to see amidst all of the uncertainty of what's to be the final outcome of all of this.
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Feb 29, 2004
The number of cases in the DFW area is increasing, which hardly comes as a shock.

Dallas county ordered most flavours of public gathering places closed Monday at 00:00. Adjacent Tarrant County (where Fort Worth resides) looks to be following suit. The counties to the north of either do not look to have followed suit ... yet ... meaning they are curiously seeing some business from core city-dwellers who would ordinarily eschew the suburbs.

Helped shut down the local Makerspace yesterday lest we incur the wrath of a County Judge that we technically were neither a "club" nor a "meeting hall" mentioned in the order - reopen date indefinite but surely not until April at the absolute earliest.

Neighborhood has been quiet this week with the kids on Spring Break and parental units having made plans to entertain/detain them this week; next week is when things will be interesting with schools cancelled / online for at least a week outside of parents' planning windows. Fuel is stupidly cheap but toilet paper, anything with alcohol/bleach in it, canned goods, and even bottled water running empty in area stores. Local PD's seem to have been relieved of their revenue ranger duties and is saving their strength for more urgent problems.

I've yet to hear anything from my employer WFH, however I expect that when I return to work next week it will be from my home office.
Mar 12, 2010
Pacific N.W.
While taking toilet paper inventory last night I really started to panic. We only had eight rolls.

But then I saw this >

Did some quick math and was greatly relieved. Seems we actually have 32.

So, we're good to go. :p


Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 12, 2015
The World Health Organization (WHO) is now haunted by a tweet it sent earlier this year when it cited Chinese health officials who claimed there had been no human transmissions of the novel coronavirus within the country yet.
The Jan. 14 tweet came less than two months before WHO declared COVID-19 to be a global pandemic.

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