CPF and sales turned me into a Mag whore!


Mar 14, 2007
Howdy, I'm finally registered here and becoming a flashaholic!

Stupid sales have turned me into a Mag whore! If you haven't checked your local Target, they are clearancing some of their flashlights. YMMV. I picked up a 4D cell grey Maglite for $8.50. I also saw Brinkmann 1 watt 3aa flashlights for $10.

Then I'm in Walmart, and they mispriced the 2AA Magled for $14! I couldn't resist buying 2. They may not be the best but for $14 they aren't bad. I thought about getting a bunch, but settled on 2. I didn't want to risk getting turned down on the deal for grabbing a whole bunch or some poor guy getting a reaming for them getting bit so bad if they did.

Now I have 6 maglites. :ohgeez:

Because of this forum I picked up a Fenix L1D CE. I'm frickin' broke and I'm thinking what kind of mod I can do to one of my D-cell mags, and a half-baked idea that one of the Magleds could use Seoul!
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Welcome to CPF.........you have arrived at the right place. He he he....self control and a bit of discipline is in order here.....have fun and all the best...
self control is inversely proportional to the amount of money you have :laughing:

>>Stupid sales have turned me into a Mag whore!

Boo hoo. You and half the CPF forum. The other half are either addicted to Surefires or some super-cool handmade light I can't afford. At least you're buying your Mags on sale.

I already had a few Maglights and I just wanted to make them a bit brighter since I live out in the sticks now. Next thing I know the damn house is full of flashlights and my friends are looking at me funny and saying "it's OK, you already showed me your lights" ;(

When you want to get a license to purchase or own firearms in Canada the government asks for a signature from your spouse or ex before issuing the license. I'm not a big fan of that for firearms but it might be a good idea for flashlights.
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Gator762 said:
.......Now I have 6 maglites. :ohgeez:.....
YOu're just getting started! I've got 12, most still sealed in the packages, waiting for the next set of mod parts I get. You've just got the sniffles, wait until you have the full blown disease.
Welcome to the dark side. When you build your first light, your skills will be complete. You must obey your destiny.

I just received in the mail some cheep arc knock offs from Ebay. Bright and shiny and crudely built but they are still working 30 minutes later. You will know you have it bad when you get excited over an Ebay crap shoot that pans out. Then your journey to the dark side will be complete.
DonShock said:
YOu're just getting started! I've got 12, most still sealed in the packages, waiting for the next set of mod parts I get. You've just got the sniffles, wait until you have the full blown disease.

wow...you have more self control than I do...My lights can never remain in their packages for long...especially during the first hour leaving the store...maglite or not maglite:ohgeez:
Wow. You are certainly to be congradulated for showing such restraint in only buying two instead of cleaning them out or, you know, maybe doing the honest thing and, I don't know, pointing out their mistake. :sigh:

Gator762 said:
Then I'm in Walmart, and they mispriced the 2AA Magled for $14! I couldn't resist buying 2. They may not be the best but for $14 they aren't bad. I thought about getting a bunch, but settled on 2.
No, I haven't seen the collections, but have seen some of the pics of the uber sun sticks.

I want to build something, but to tell the truth I really don't have a need for one. I have one of those 18 volt rechargeable lights and it's been a long time since I've used it. I've been waiting for the damn snow to melt so I can see how good my fenix L1D CE throws. My backyard is densely wooded, and behind it is undeveloped woodland, but with the neighborhood lights I can easily see past 100 feet at night, without the backyard lights on.

I couldn't help getting the 4-cell mag for the price. I'm having second thoughts, because batteries aren't cheap, and alkalines suck in the cold. Wish there were Lithiums for D cells that would work well in the cold.
You mean like these?



and these?



and my laser?

mckevin said:
Wow. You are certainly to be congradulated for showing such restraint in only buying two instead of cleaning them out or, you know, maybe doing the honest thing and, I don't know, pointing out their mistake. :sigh:

Yeah I guess my chances of sainthood are shot now, but what the heck. It was their mistake. They were clearly marked that price with a big frickin sign along with it as well. The cashier just called back and said today was my lucky day, and didn't give me the slightest hassle about it. If they would have said no, I wouldn't have put up a stink. If buying something at the marked price is a crime, I'm guilty.

I don't think the world is gonna stop spinning for Walmart over a few bucks.
Gator -

This wouldn't be the first time I've heard of those lights go for those prices. Individual stores will occasionally have an astonishingly low price for a product that has gone through a markdown process.

Some of the guys in the Homemade/Modified forum modify big Mags to run LED emitters. Some of the guys in the incandescent forum modify big Mags with NiMh batteries, Aluminum reflectors, glass lenses and stronger bulbs.

Post 1 and post 4 in the "Roar of the Pelican" sticky will tell you how to use 6 sub C cells to Make a ROP.

An easier mod would be to use 4 D NiMhs and a Radio Shack XPR103 lamp. They are no longer in production but they can be found. Sometimes asking the manager to locate a few in another store can be productive. A 3 cell Krypton would work also. Also, you can stuff 5 C sized NiMh cells in your 4D mag and overdrive the OEM lamp.

NiMhs self discharge (I think 3% per day) so I'm not sure if that would keep you away from them. However, they run with a much flatter output than alkalines and don't mind cold weather as much.
Yeah, you're right Icebreak... I didn't know for sure that they were mis marked, I somewhat suspected it. It was a big endcap display with a big sign, the kind of thing the do for a sale. I could only see grey and black ones there, so I picked up one of each.

Actually the $$ was the biggest limiting factor... I thought it was a pretty good deal, so I'd pick up one for me and one for the GF. Don't have the money to buy for my friends and other family, and if it was a sale I'd tell them about it. Since it was a mistake, I didn't. ;)

I might have to build a ROP. Thanks for the sticky - I kept reading roar of pelican posts and never noticed the damn sticky how to do it. It would be the closest to my budget at the moment. I was thinking a 3 or 4 head CREE/SSC P4 mod would be really cool for the output and runtime, but after looking a few things up, was going to be too expensive for me now. I don't have any D rechargeables, getting a D charger and that many cells is expensive. I have enough extra AA NiMH's to throw in it, and will have to live with the self-discharge, pick up some more Hybrids, or go for the Eneloops.
bridgman said:
..........I already had a few Maglights and I just wanted to make them a bit brighter since I live out in the sticks now. Next thing I know the damn house is full of flashlights and my friends are looking at me funny and saying "it's OK, you already showed me your lights" ;(.........

Gotta love it......

Gator762, Welcome to CPF!

A Mag was just a Mag 'till I poked my nose in CPF.
Gator762 said:
Howdy, I'm finally registered here and becoming a flashaholic!

Stupid sales have turned me into a Mag whore! If you haven't checked your local Target, they are clearancing some of their flashlights. YMMV. I picked up a 4D cell grey Maglite for $8.50. I also saw Brinkmann 1 watt 3aa flashlights for $10.

Then I'm in Walmart, and they mispriced the 2AA Magled for $14! I couldn't resist buying 2. They may not be the best but for $14 they aren't bad. I thought about getting a bunch, but settled on 2. I didn't want to risk getting turned down on the deal for grabbing a whole bunch or some poor guy getting a reaming for them getting bit so bad if they did.

Now I have 6 maglites. :ohgeez:

Because of this forum I picked up a Fenix L1D CE. I'm frickin' broke and I'm thinking what kind of mod I can do to one of my D-cell mags, and a half-baked idea that one of the Magleds could use Seoul!

Hehe. I bought a bunch way back when outpost.com had them on clearance for $10 each anticipating a group buy/offer by a member to do HA coatings on them. That one didn't pan out so now I have a bunch of Mags not getting used at all. I really should list them on the B/S/T in a big bundle to save on the shipping costs but I'm not sure that anyone would really be interested in them since there are so many other cool lights up for grabs there.