Overmoderation killed Slashdot after the DICE acquisition. I was in on Slashdot just after "Chips and Dips." Had a low 5 digit user id.
That group really liked their freedom of speech. After the "F-Beta" fiasco, I never went back. It went from good signal-to-noise ratio to worse and worse, Slashdot is dead. Long live Slashdot.
CPF is a whole lot like how Slashdot used to be, except Slashdot was self-policing. DICE kept trying to change that and the user base revolted. If it's not broken, fix it until it is... right?
Edit: Oh, and the moderation system used to allow reading posts that were modded down. Some called this "browsing at -1." You would not belieeeeeeeve what happened at the -1 level.