cree m-ce driver/Osram 100mA 16v driver


Newly Enlightened
Sep 12, 2008
is there a driver that can run my cree m-ce on about 2A with one 18650?
Also, is there a driver that can run one of these:
Osram Emitter
PS: I am new, but have been lurking for a while, and i have to say that it seems to be a great forum
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Re: cree m-ce driver

So far the only problem with those is that they are linear regulation. That is, they act like "smart" current limiting resistors. However, after the first couple minutes of operation, the loaded voltage of an 18650 is going to drop to the point wehre the lgiht falls out of regulation. Thereafter the light will be operating a slightly less efficient direct drive mode.

In order to do what your'e probably after (eg regulated output for the whole runtime) some sort of buck/boost driver will be necessary.Unfortunately, I've yet to find one like this inexpensively offered to flashlight hobbyists, let alone one able to source out 2 amps.

I would test out a direct drive setup first. If the current draw when the cell is fresh isn't too excessive, I'd just stick with that.
Re: cree m-ce driver

So far the only problem with those is that they are linear regulation. That is, they act like "smart" current limiting resistors. However, after the first couple minutes of operation, the loaded voltage of an 18650 is going to drop to the point wehre the lgiht falls out of regulation. Thereafter the light will be operating a slightly less efficient direct drive mode.

In order to do what your'e probably after (eg regulated output for the whole runtime) some sort of buck/boost driver will be necessary.Unfortunately, I've yet to find one like this inexpensively offered to flashlight hobbyists, let alone one able to source out 2 amps.

The MC-Es I've seen Vf tests of have Vfs of about 3.2V per die at 700mA. Even with the AMC7135 voltage drop, the light will still be in regulation for the useable runtime of the 18650.
Re: cree m-ce driver

There is nothing more efficient than direct drive as far as I know.
A regulator in series fallign out of regulation will be less efficent than true direct drive becuase the regulator will still drop some voltage.
The MC-Es I've seen Vf tests of have Vfs of about 3.2V per die at 700mA. Even with the AMC7135 voltage drop, the light will still be in regulation for the useable runtime of the 18650.
I've mostly worked with Q5s that tend to have Vfs as high as 3.8 @ 1amp, so the low Vf of the MC-E is a refreshing change for single-LiIon, or triple-NiMH operation.