Cree & SSC versions of the Blimp?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jun 15, 2005
Hamilton Canada
Back in the Luxeon days, for those who have not converted to lithium batteries the Blimp was the answer to the Golston 7W.
About this time last year a CPF member swapped a Cree into one and sold it. The purchaser was very impressed in his review.

While browsing Kai last night I came across what looked like an SSC version. Kai's charts show it to be ~50% brighter than a P1D CE.

Curious I went over to DX. They seem to have a Cree version.

Does anybody have any experience with these lights?
I modded my Blimp with an SSC P4 U bin several months ago. Makes a very good thrower. Tight hotspot, but still has good spill. The KaiDomain ad for the SSC version says "constant regulated output"... not true. These are direct-drive lights. Using NiMH batteries, they'll be somewhat regulated due to the relatively flat discharge curve of the batteries. I wouldn't recommend alkaline batteries unless you only plan on intermittent short blasts.

If you like to stick to non-lithium powered lights, this is definitely one of the better throwers. I'd recommend the SSC version, since it more than likely uses the original Blimp reflector... works well. The Cree version looks like a completely different reflector. It's orange-peeled near the base which will help reduce the infamous "Cree ring", but it'll cut down throw.
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