Cree X5 for surefire E1E!!!


Flashlight Enthusiast
Oct 30, 2008
Prunedale, CA
Since most everyone here is more flashlight savy then myself, I need help. I want to purchase this Cree X5 bulb and bezel for a Surefire E1E.

Given my sour past experience, what do you folks think?The Cree X5 the seller says are made with a special lens in the way the Malkoffs are made, but somehow different. I apologize in advance if this item has been discussed before.
OpticsHQ makes a very similar product. There are reviews of the opticshq ones with beamshots and everything.

Thank you, good to know. I want a Surefire 3P, but since they are hard or expensive to come by I figured this would be a good alternative. I will look into the opticshq ones.
I just got one for the E2E from Optics HQ. Got another one on the way for the e1e. He doesnt list it on the website but the E1E version will work in the e2e with longer runtimes. And vice versa. This was confirmed by Optics HQ.

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I just got one for the E2E from Optics HQ. Got another one on the way for the e1e. He doesnt list it on the website but the E1E version will work in the e2e with longer runtimes. And vice versa. This was confirmed by Optics HQ.


Very cool. I was looking into the set up you have, but I have a couple drop ins from my G2 left over and a stock 6P head bezel. So, I got the E to C adapter. Will your set up have a longer lengh then what I plan on doing?
OpticsHQ makes a drop in and tail cap kit that is C series(P60 sized) so it will fir the G2/6P. Its an excellent light. Great throw, usable sidespill, good low, and ramping means everything in between. Not to mention an excellent strobe!

I saw the drop in, but it says 4v and up. My ICR123's are only 3.7V and running just 1 in my E1E I don't think I would take advantage of the drop in. Is this correct?
It may power up on the standard 123 cell however you would get better results from using a higher voltage rechargeable 123 cell. Check the dealer section for several places to purchase these. A single rechargeable 123 cell usually starts out at 4.2 volts and can power a luxeon very well.
Will your set up have a longer lengh then what I plan on doing?

Im guessing here but I would say they would be about the same with you using the adapter and the 6p head.

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