CRLE: Cheap rugged light engine I.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jul 30, 2001
Pamplona- NA- Spain
I was trying to make one again the ultimate and unique caving headlamp (I made near 100 this years), and then decide to go for the simples, the substitute of the carbide.

So here it is, there is not too much to explain about.

Driver: 5-14 V, 800-900 mA.
Heatsink: 50x50x13 mm.

Epoxi: "All you can eat"

Great for cavers who does not want to spend to much money!!

Does not get too hot at all.
1000 points for simple, 0 points for pretty!!!!:crackup:

Are you going to put a housing on that thing, or is the caving in Spain mostly borehole? Here in Colorado, it's a bunch of tight squeezes and long crawls with lots of mud. I don't think an LED not covered would last here.

(a fellow cheap caver)
1000 points for simple, 0 points for pretty!!!!:crackup:

Are you going to put a housing on that thing, or is the caving in Spain mostly borehole? Here in Colorado, it's a bunch of tight squeezes and long crawls with lots of mud. I don't think an LED not covered would last here.

(a fellow cheap caver)

Thanks for you coments! As you probably know caving in Spain can be veeery demanding. If you look closely at the pic you will see that even the dome in encapsulated on epoxi. I'm sure it can stand a -10 submersion with no problem, and regarding impacts, it has faced one today.

No, no housing is being made for this, it was just a recreation... I have something much better in mind!
