Current draw (and runtime implications): A few led lanterns...


Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 30, 2003
Connecticut, USA
I just took some readings on a few different lanterns and thought I'd post the results. These are good if you'd like to estimate realistic runtimes depending on what kind and condition cells you're using. "Used Alks" are in the 40-50% ZTS capacity range. I included these readings to illustrate what will happen to current draw (and runtime) as alks start winding down. The lanterns are:

1. Rayovac Sportsman 3D: current readings are high/low

New Alks - 1.08A/450ma, Nimh D's - 720/300ma, Used Alks - 460/200ma

2. Brunton Polaris 3C: current readings are high/low

New Alks - 720/50ma, Nimh C's - 660/30ma, Used Alks - 210/20ma

3. Coast 4AA: current readings are high/as close to low as I could get

New Alks - 800/10ma, Nimh AA's - 700/10ma

4. Energizer Weather Ready 4D (8 nichia): readings are high/low

New Alks - 450/300ma, Nimh D's - 340/220ma, Used Alks 250/150ma

Using 3D instead of 4D (with a spacer in place of the 4th cell)...

New Alks - 230/100ma, Nimh D's - 130/40ma, Used Alks 110/40ma

New Alks send approx 55ma per led on high; this was why I tried using 3 cells with a spacer instead.

I was particularly surprised at how thirsty the Coast 4AA is. Clearly, this lantern is meant to be dimmed a bit if you want long runtime.

The Brunton Polaris is an under the radar lantern that gets no air here on CPF. It has very good color tint (warmer) and AMAZING runtimes on low. Do the math, this sucker will run forever while sipping on those C cells. The other thing about the Polaris is that it isn't much bigger than those 4AA lanterns, like the Coast. Glare is fairly minimal; not as good as the Coast, but then again it isn't using a diffuser per se.

Comments are welcome...


We really need a lantern smiley of some kind...
Thanks for doing this testing, Phaserburn. That's interesting about the Coast (only one of these I have). I think it's the same as the Eddie Bauer I found on clearance a couple years ago at Target. I'd never really tested its runtime myself. Glad to see it sips the juice on low. Not so glad about high. I really like its frosted globe, and the battery indicator's a slick little gimmick.

Good work.

I just took some readings on a few different lanterns and thought I'd post the results. These are good if you'd like to estimate realistic runtimes depending on what kind and condition cells you're using. "Used Alks" are in the 40-50% ZTS capacity range. I included these readings to illustrate what will happen to current draw (and runtime) as alks start winding down. The lanterns are:

1. Rayovac Sportsman 3D: current readings are high/low

New Alks - 1.08A/450ma, Nimh D's - 720/300ma, Used Alks - 460/200ma

2. Brunton Polaris 3C: current readings are high/low

New Alks - 720/50ma, Nimh C's - 660/30ma, Used Alks - 210/20ma

3. Coast 4AA: current readings are high/as close to low as I could get

New Alks - 800/10ma, Nimh AA's - 700/10ma

4. Energizer Weather Ready 4D (8 nichia): readings are high/low

New Alks - 450/300ma, Nimh D's - 340/220ma, Used Alks 250/150ma

Using 3D instead of 4D (with a spacer in place of the 4th cell)...

New Alks - 230/100ma, Nimh D's - 130/40ma, Used Alks 110/40ma

New Alks send approx 55ma per led on high; this was why I tried using 3 cells with a spacer instead.

I was particularly surprised at how thirsty the Coast 4AA is. Clearly, this lantern is meant to be dimmed a bit if you want long runtime.

The Brunton Polaris is an under the radar lantern that gets no air here on CPF. It has very good color tint (warmer) and AMAZING runtimes on low. Do the math, this sucker will run forever while sipping on those C cells. The other thing about the Polaris is that it isn't much bigger than those 4AA lanterns, like the Coast. Glare is fairly minimal; not as good as the Coast, but then again it isn't using a diffuser per se.

Comments are welcome...


We really need a lantern smiley of some kind...

+1 :D:D