decisions, decisions - another what to build thread


Newly Enlightened
Aug 11, 2009
So, my wedding's on October 3rd. After hearing me geek out about this board and all the cool flashlight mods I'd read about here, my beautiful blushing bride told me that she'd get me whatever I needed to build a modded light for my wedding gift. :) I am much enamored of this woman.

The question now is what to build. I'm new to modding, but I think I wanna skip the training wheels. I have a M*g 3D host, but I'm not opposed to picking up another host. I've been thinking M*g623, but I'm not entirely convinced.

Ideally, I'd like to end up with a light that would allow me to run more normal bulbs for general use (ROP, M@g85, or something), use colored filters for hunting (perhaps the stock M*g blue and red filters), but then be able to make my friends go "WOW" and start fires when I want to just plain play. I'd like to initially keep my expenditure at around $300, but I'd like to build a platform that I could add to/modify later with relative ease. Basically, I'm looking to build a flashlight system, as opposed to just a light...

What would y'all do in my shoes?


Der Wicthel tri mce or P7 heat sink and one of taskled's drivers depending on what battery configuration you want to use. I know you said bulb and ROP, but LED's seem like a better platform for a lighting system that can be upgraded later on. If I had the money I'd give it a try.
Wow ..... $300 to spend on modding a Mag

Have a look at JimmyM's hotwire regulator
I think I wanna stick with bulbs. I'm not so much with with the soldering.

That $300 needs to include batteries and a charger, so it's not as pie-in-the-sky as it sounds...

Thanks for your help!
You might want to meander over the the "incandescent" forum, LOTS of bulb-related info and mods discussed. I know that FiveMega makes some insane AA NiMH battery holders for M@G mods and Kai produces some very nice bi-pin bulb adapters for M@Gs. Or, you could go w/ a Jesus H. quad-bore M@G 3D [9X 18650].....
asked a similar, but not identical, question over there. i don't want to cross-post; i understand that's frowned upon.

this seems to be the place where incan, electronics, and wyzrd knowledge all converge, so i thought this would be the best place to pick brains.

for the record, i've searched extensively. i'm overwhelmed by the number of options. but whatever. at the risk of a brown nose, i just wanna say that you guys rock. it takes a special breed to say "what's available is not good enough. i can do better." and don't get me started on luxluthor's "scientific research" in the arena of available hardware. unfathomably fantastic. seriously.

Ok. I'm back from the honeymoon (which was awesome) and I'm eager to get started. I saw a few suggestions on the incan board that led me to believe the M*g623 13-cell setup may not be the latest and greatest hotrod out there, now that some new cells are available.

I've got $300 to spend, and I want to build a throwy "wow" light that puts out better than 4000 lumens. I think I've determined that Lux isn't making battery packs any more, and I certainly don't have the expertise to do it... I'm still looking for guidance from the user community here.

I briefly considered the Wicked Lasers Torch, but I think I found myself turned off because I know the 13-cell version is a tad brighter...

Looking forward to your help. Lord knows I need it!


for $300 you can buy a $500 light thats already finished,

built by someone who really knows what they are doing,

but is bored of it, or its a year old, or has a dent:laughing:

in fact, for $300, you can buy 2 amazing custom lights.

unless you have $500 worth of modding tools, and the knowledge to complete a light without destroying parts, id skip diy and buy.

nice custom P7 m*g $150.
insane pocket rocket $150

no tools/work required

and you will have more time to show her how appreciative you are ;)
Welcome back, glad to read your honeymoon was great.

Waddup makes a good point about buying a finished light but if you're really set on a DIY project then as you said, there are LOTS of possibilities.

The incandescent route is well established and there's plenty of parts and info on that forum.

Another possibility is a multiple SST-90 torch. 3x 32650 Li Ion, 2 or 3 shark buck drivers w/ heatsink, a "universal" M@G heatsink and 2-3 SST90 emitters w/ reflectors. This would easily get you the OTF lumins you want. Do a search under SST-90 and you'll find plenty of ideas.
I'm not opposed to buying ready-built. I'm not familiar with any of those lights mentioned; I will search. If anybody knows of a 13-cell 623 (or equivalent) for sale within my budget, I'm all ears.

I certainly am not ready to diy an LED light...


These are all nice (very), but it would appear to be over my $300 budget to get a working light put together... Is $300 just not realistic?

Maybe I'll try to bulid a 5x 26500 64458 out of a 4D host. I'll probably still need regulation and/or softstart, but I think I might be able to squeez by on budget...

Buying a custom light is always nice, and I have a nice one from photon fanatic. There is also a certain thrill that comes from building one yourself, that just cannot be replicated - even if it does not come out that great.
From what I'm reading on CPF, it looks like I can build a direct drive 64458 on a 4D host w/ 5x AW IMR26500 cells, with just a KIU switch, boro lens/window, and aluminum reflector (from somewhere). I understand I may need to shorten the spring, but other than that, I think that's all I need to do.

Does this sound right, or do I need regulation/soft start? Is there a way to charge all of the batteries at once (with a single charger)? Finally, as a newbie to CPF convention, should all of these questions go in a new thread?


Thanks, but that's not really what I'm after. I built a 2c w/ 3x CR123a and a 6-cell Magnum Star bulb. That'll work for an "ordinary use" light. May soup it up to ROP later. Right now, I want a monster.

For a tight budget and decent performance, it is hard to beat sub C size NiMH based setups. The R/C people have pushed these pretty hard, and 5,000 mah sub C cells are widely available. Of course, with only 1.x V / cell, it takes few cells - but they are cheap and easy to charge up safely, and dumping 10 - 20 amps is child's play for them.

If the main goal is a big horsey output light, just make a 3 cell sub C triangle by XX long pack, wrap it up in 4 layers of heavy Al tape, and mount a head and short body for the electronics + switch on the front. Just skip the hard body altogether. Just a head and a big pack. A Triton can charge up to 24 volts and there is another that goes a bit higher, so you can make it a pretty large pack.

I did that for some protos- pretty cheap and quite effective. It did not pass the "pretty" test though. If you really need a case - use a lantern style enclosure or a hobby box. I suppose a pelican case might work as well if you keep the lamp heat away from the plastic box. :D

IMHO - basing a DIY high output light design on a cylinder of predetermined size is too limiting for the creative mind.
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