Deree DBS-need more throw


Newly Enlightened
May 10, 2010
I have a new DBS 3SM XPG-R5. I am looking to get some more throw out of it. Can I put an SST-50 and reflector in it? If so, how much better will it be? Or should I just get the aspherical head and keep what I have? Looking for the best option without buying it all right now...this is already getting expensive!


Ive just got the DBS with a SST50 setup,will take a few beamshots tonight.

If you do want the SST-50 and reflector you can order them from Dereelight direct or
i feel your pain, i'm an XP-G junky but don't think it works too well w/ that reflector. the pill itself is awesome, i eventually wrecked mine through careless mishandling but up to that point it worked great for a P60 lamp. i received mine back in January and found it to be a let down. my final solution was to bore the opening in the bottom of the reflector so that i could install an SST-50 pill. mine is currently running a single-mode at 2.8A...VERY bright and w/ that reflector the beam is outstanding. the MC-E/XR-E reflectors are also large enough to accept an SST-50 and i've found both work well w/ the SST-50 as well.

here's another thread addressing this...
I have the DBS with aspheric and XRE led. The throw is amazing! This will get better throw than the SST-50, even with the aspheric, as the bigger die led will spread out farther where as the XRE is more focused (I know because I tried this too). So, for much better throw and run time go with the XRE and aspheric. If you want good throw, brighter light, and spill, go with the SST-50 (the aspheric has no spill).
Beam shots would be cool!

I am new to the LED flashlight game, but am starting to get enough of a grasp of the basics to put my wallet in serious danger of starvation. The purpose of my light is to mount it on a rifle for night hunting. I have four months before I will really need a final setup so I am going to hang back and ask questions and listen and learn.

Beam shots would be cool!
The purpose of my light is to mount it on a rifle for night hunting. I have four months before I will really need a final setup so I am going to hang back and ask questions and listen and learn.


good, then you won't mind waiting for those shots...i'll take some this weekend. the aspheric/XR-E setup is pretty cool but the beam is so narrow that i'm not sure it would of much use unless you're shooting beyond 1000'. even the XR-E w/ SMO is a little too narrow IMHO, but cool nonetheless. both will throw farther than the SST-50 (regardless of what DBS reflector you're using) but they don't cover nearly as much ground. picture your DBS XP-G setup and then double the output...that's a good approximation for what you'll see by swapping that XP-G for an SST-50. i did try the SST-50 w/ the DBS aspheric head and i think that would be more practical for shooting at night vs the XR-E. it gave a pretty goofy looking square-shaped beam but w/ the increased surface area and output angle it was still able to illuminate a reasonably large amount of space at long range....easily enough to find your 'target' and aim.
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i give camera has never done well w/ long range shots (could just be the operator) and i can't even get short range shots to work w/out bleaching out the exposure (again could just be me).