Dereelight C2H - Beamshots?


Newly Enlightened
Jan 17, 2009
Hello everybody :D.

I just bought a Fenix PD30 about 3 weeks ago and I love it, everything since the design to the beam pattern but I am interested in getting a smaller light, a "thrower" powered by CR123 batteries. I have seen some reviews and I think a nice option would be the Dereelight C2H with the R2 LED, but since I got the PD30 I wondered if anyone here in CPF has got both the PD30 and the C2H and possibly some beamshots of both in order to compare them.

Thanks in advance!
Keep in mind to get the most output from the C2H you'll need a R123 or IMR16340. I like the IMR16340 because the C2H comes with over discharge protection enabled (must be disabled to use CR123's), and the high drain of the C2H when it's set to MAX maybe hard on regular R123 lithium ions.

I don't have a PD30 to compare with the C2H, but my C2H R2 with a smooth reflector is a bit over 5,000LUX on my LUX meter, which is impressive for such a small light.
Keep in mind to get the most output from the C2H you'll need a R123 or IMR16340. I like the IMR16340 because the C2H comes with over discharge protection enabled (must be disabled to use CR123's), and the high drain of the C2H when it's set to MAX maybe hard on regular R123 lithium ions.

I don't have a PD30 to compare with the C2H, but my C2H R2 with a smooth reflector is a bit over 5,000LUX on my LUX meter, which is impressive for such a small light.

Thanks for the answer :).
According to the reviews i've seen, the only thing not that great about the C2H is probably the runtime. And that kinda sucks because I use non-rechargeables :(. I didn't know that using R123 I would get a better output that using regular CR123.
Thanks also for the LUX reading, very helpfull to get an overall idea since I am looking for a small "thrower" light. :thumbsup:
Review by Selfbuilt:
"........The Dereelight C2H is designed to be one of the brightest and smallest multi-stage single-cell CR123A/RCR lights, with built-in flexibility and upgradeability. Up to a point, it succeeds on many of its promises....."

'Nuff said :twothumbs
Review by Selfbuilt:
"........The Dereelight C2H is designed to be one of the brightest and smallest multi-stage single-cell CR123A/RCR lights, with built-in flexibility and upgradeability. Up to a point, it succeeds on many of its promises....."

'Nuff said :twothumbs

Aye mate, that's why I want this little beast :D:D
Also here is a picture of the C2H next to the SF E1B. Yes, the E1B is on high. :p

Thanks for the reply WadeF, I already took a look to that post :D.
That beamshot comparison is pretty impressive as are your photos of the flashlight itself. Nice pics indeed :grin2:.

Here's the review by Axion that was most impressive to me (since the Extreme is so bright):

Wow, I have seen a lot of reviews of the C2H but somehow I missed this one, thanks for pointing it out :twothumbs.
Indeed it is impressive, the Extreme is already a nice "pocket rocket" but according to the beamshots on that review the C2H can throw even better and has a great hotspot too, really nice.
Well, I am pretty much convinced, gotta start saving money :D.
... I am interested in getting a smaller light, a "thrower" powered by CR123 batteries.

Since you are looking for throw, you might also want to look at the Spartanian S2. 200 lumens on high, and it will out throw the C2H. It is a little larger, but it has the coolest switch and UI.
Since you are looking for throw, you might also want to look at the Spartanian S2. 200 lumens on high, and it will out throw the C2H. It is a little larger, but it has the coolest switch and UI.

I took a look to the Spartanian S2 (which I haven't seen before), but there's a "problem" with this light IMO, it won't take CR123A batteries and since I use them a lot that is a major turn down :green:.

selfbuilt said:
Note that the light uses RCR (16340) batteries only - primary CR123A are not accepted.

Besides that it looks like a cool light but it is a little bit too wide for my pocket :ironic:.

But I appreciated a lot the reply, always good to hear new thoughts, thanks wbp! :D