Dereelight Javelin or Fenix TK40


Newly Enlightened
Jun 17, 2009
After reading this site for a couple of weeks I've decided on one of these two lights.

My question to the forum is: Which of these would be best suited to just opening, adding batteries and using? I don't want have to do anything to it or change parts on it.

Have a TK40, can't speak to the other

i use eneloop dedicated for the light

takes roughly 20 seconds to change battery's.

peoples concerns are so overblown on changeing 8 batterys

negative goes toward the springs, thats it. i don't even look at the polarity indicators. could prolly change them in the dark

I LOVE my light.

I will need nothing else

I have a e01 kechain. l2d for daily, tk40 for everything else.

I love AA/AAA form factor

tk45 is also coming out. that looks pretty neat as well
I've had both (and no longer have either) and they're REALLY different lights. The TK40 would be the most impressive of the two to a newbie, though.
I love AA/AAA form factor

I've got nothing against either you or the TK40, but to say that light is a AA/AAA form is just . . . well . . . :crackup: It's more like a D form factor, judging from its dimensions (I don't have one, so no, I can't be sure). As far as the AA form factor, the Javelin is a much better example. It's thin, though a bit long for pocket carry.

Like I said, I don't have the TK40 but have read lots about it, both good and bad. I'll speak to the less publicized Javelin, which I do have. It's really nice, though it would be much less impressive to a newbie, as LittleBill said. Since it uses the newest emitter, the XP-G R5, it's a lot of light for just two batteries (nothing compared to the TK40, but what do you expect?). Three modes that are accessible with one hand without having to mess with turning the head. The finish of it is just impeccable and it has a very handy, well-designed pocket clip. Even with the the extender added, the clip holds well. There's anti-roll on the light too. The Javelin is pretty low maintenance and is good to go right out of the box. Come to think of it, I don't remember reading much about people having to mod the TK40 either (I read a lot about it before deciding against it).

You're probably thinking of the earlier Nitecore D10s that had some piston issues and needed lube, or the various and sundry DX and Kaidomain lights that need service/soldering just to get them to work. Neither of these lights will leave you in the dark and you'll get great customer service if you choose the right vendor, especially if you go with the flashlightconnection or 4sevens.

Are you sure you don't want to be comparing the TK20 to the Javelin? They both use the same power source, though the Javelin is thinner. Not wimpy, just thinner walls and not rubber sleeve around the body. It's not too fair to compare the TK40 to the Javelin since they are really designed for two very different types of illumination. I own both these lights. The Javelin still wins mostly for its form factor (it's thinner than the TK20). At least they both tailstand. Then again, so does the TK40. It really depends on what you're looking for, again. The TK20 throws pretty well but the Javelin puts out more light and has a lower low mode. The TK20 has only two modes and they're spaced too closely to really be of much use. Also, MY TK20 whines. It's too much for my ears. My Javelin whines only on its medium mode.

No hard feelings, Bill. :tinfoil:
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Well thank you. I've decided on the Javelin but of course FlashlightConnection show them as being out of stock. They're closed through the 21st. so I'll shoot them an email to see about future availability.
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I got a Javelin yesterday. Very nice little light, lots of quality output. If you are looking for a 'drop in and go' light I recommend it :thumbsup:

Do a search for Flashcrazy. The flashlightconnection is his business. If you pm him, he might be able to tell you when more Javelins are due.
I have a couple of TK40s and several Javelins. Two of my favorite lights. Totally different lights with the Javelin being much more portable and the TK40 having more output.
I love the AA form factor and even though the TK40 barrel is more like a D factor in size being able to feed it AA batteries is a plus in my opinion. I've set it on it's tail and let it run for over an hour on Turbo even though Fenix recommends no longer than 15 minutes. It didn't get too hot and my eyes were not able to detect any fall off in brightness.
Not to :dedhorse: but the phrase "form factor" refers to the physical shape of the body, or form, that the flashlight, in this case, takes on due to the batteries it uses. At least that's what's implied by calling it "AA form factor." If you called it "car battery form factor" I'd expect a flashlight (or whatever device you're referring to) that's both as big as and shaped like a car battery, whether or not it runs off of AAA batteries. The form is still that of a car battery . . . a mega spy?!?!?! Data are you reading this? :crackup:

You might also want to lay off of using turbo for prolonged periods. Heat damage to LEDs occurs over several hundred hours and can reduce the life of your LED from thousands of hours to hundreds (effectively reducing it by power(s) of 10). The eye only really detects differences in output that are much larger than the slight blue shift or gradual drop that happens when you prematurely age your LED with heat. Besides, if the spacing on my LD20 is indicative at all of your TK40, and I see no reason it shouldn't since Fenix is a pretty consistent company, high and Turbo are set pretty closely together so that you CAN set the light on high for prolonged periods and not suffer too great a drop in usable light. They just cover themselves with their disclaimers. If you are the 1 person out of 100 whose LED goes blue and/or only puts out 250 lumens instead of 500, then they're covered and can state that you must have left it on too long.

Also, the heat warning isn't just for the emitter. The batteries, especially alkalines, can leak and/or vent (explode) if exposed to heat. If lithium AA's are in there, watch out! Eneloops are probably less prone to this, but nothing is fool-proof. And yes, running a big light with easily available cells like this is pretty convenient. You can also switch Mag lights to use AA's with the right battery carrier and either an emitter that can handle that many AA's (depending on the size of the tube) or enough dummy cells to fill the space. Not too many, though, you might have a resistance problem.

Not trying to be contrary, just like seeing people preserve the tools they like. Enjoy your TK40!
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