I'd like to add some led lighting to the underside of the shelf above my computer desk. I had a cheap 5mm led light from Costco there, which was very dim and had horrible battery life. After doing some reading in this forum I've decided that I would like to do something similar to the under cabinet lights that some of you have made. I'm planning on using three Cree XR-E Q5s on stars, thermal epoxied to 1/8" aluminum flat bar, wired in series and powered at 350mA. The part I'm undecided on is how to power them. The options I've come up with are an AC wall wart with the appropriate resistors to supply the desired current, a wall wart and 350mA Buck Puck with external dimmer, or a Xitanium 350mA. It would be nice for the light to be dimmable, if there's a reasonably efficient way to do so. Any comments, suggestions or ideas? Thanks.