Diamond 1 watt - maglite question


Jun 11, 2006
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ooooo i have that in a 2d right now and when i put it in my 3d it was defintely brighter but due to that review i didnt want to run it for over a minute, i was planning on swapping the emitter to seoul p4 thinking seoul runs cooler and heat problem wont be an issue unless the zetex driver itself overheats from 3 cells then my plan is moot but for a 2d drop in its still very nice
Hmmm I wonder why then the site I purchased it from says it's ok with the 3 cell mags? Does it get too hot?

qip said:
ooooo i have that in a 2d right now and when i put it in my 3d it was defintely brighter but due to that review i didnt want to run it for over a minute, i was planning on swapping the emitter to seoul p4 thinking seoul runs cooler and heat problem wont be an issue unless the zetex driver itself overheats from 3 cells then my plan is moot but for a 2d drop in its still very nice
doesnt really matter, just running the 1 watt version in a 3 cell light is sort of a waste because Diamond 1 watt models have a built in step up circuit designed to be ran on two cells.

when you run it on a three cell it simply bypasses the stepup circuit until the voltage goes below that of a two celled configuration

I've been using the 1 watt model in a mag 3D until I bought the magLED...as the output is pretty weak compared to other 1 watt lights
when i put in my 3d i never gave it a chance to get warm i ran it for like 30 seconds ,too scared to do a long run fearing a led burnout from review , i just wanted to see how bright it is in 3d and compared to my maxstar ,which by the way it seemed just as bright
Illum_the_nation said:
doesnt really matter, just running the 1 watt version in a 3 cell light is sort of a waste because Diamond 1 watt models have a built in step up circuit designed to be ran on two cells.

when you run it on a three cell it simply bypasses the stepup circuit until the voltage goes below that of a two celled configuration

I've been using the 1 watt model in a mag 3D until I bought the magLED...as the output is pretty weak compared to other 1 watt lights

@ falshlightreviews the gains of a 3c compared to a 2c seemed pretty good!

1W zetex driver 2 cells 4000 (63.24)throw 2350 (23.50)overall output

1w zetex driver 3 cell 8000 (89.44) throw 4550 (45.50)overall output

It seems like a 3 c cell mag with the diamond 1W should outperform the SL 4aa luxeon propoly by quite a bit(throw-output-runtime), am I wrong in thinking this?
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well i got a muletimeter and tested ma draw in both my drop in modules, incase this helps anyone this is what i got

zetex 2d mag draws 500ma which suprised me cuz i thought it was regulated at 350ma

zetex in 3d mag draws fluxuating between 900ma-1a and i did notice after i took it out to put back in the 2dmag the aluminum module was pretty warm after only a minute of use

on sidenote my maxstar5 only in 3d draws only 480ma :(
Anyone know what color tint this has?

diamond 1w with zetex driver
BUZ said:

It seems like a 3 c cell mag with the diamond 1W should outperform the SL 4aa luxeon propoly by quite a bit(throw-output-runtime), am I wrong in thinking this?

throw = somewhat equivalent 200+/- lux
output = less
runtime = BIG DIFFERENCE, the PP dies in approx 3 hours:ohgeez:
Illum_the_nation said:
throw = somewhat equivalent 200+/- lux
output = less
runtime = BIG DIFFERENCE, the PP dies in approx 3 hours:ohgeez:

I would have thought it would at least have the same output hmmm!
BUZ said:
I would have thought it would at least have the same output hmmm!

Im eyeballing the shots....and neither the AAs nor the D cells are fresh, and since the 3D mag is a beater light...the lens is pretty scratched.
perhaps your right...