Did any of you guys play "Manhunt" growing up?


Newly Enlightened
Aug 25, 2006
When I was growing up there was a huge christmas tree farm that was right behind our house. During the summer, all the neighborhood kids would dress in black and go there after dark to play "Manhunt" basically team hide-and-go-seek / freeze tag, where you had to wait in a "jail" area when captured.

During the start of a round, when no one's eyes had really become dark adapted, you could pull off crazy hiding spots like just lying down in the middle of a path and not moving. Later on, the moon would be more than enough light to hunt by.

Later we started carrying flashlights as weapons. If we saw someone coming close and it looked like they would find us, we would blast them with our minimags and 2 d-cell incans and run away giggling. After playing in the dark for a while, those lights were more than enough to disrupt nightvision enough to make a getaway. The flashlight blinding lead to everyone wearing a bandana over one eye. If you got blasted, you'd switch eyes and give chase. It was totally ineffective though, 'cause we would just wait for the eye switch and blast 'em again, and also, it was quite hard to run at speed with one eye covered... yet everyone wore them, including me. It was quite a sight. About 20 kids walking into a christmas tree farm carrying flashlights and wearing lopsided bandanas.

...even now as I think about it, i wonder why we never used the lights to help look for people... we only used it to enhance the darkness by blinding other people... I guess it was just more fun that way.
Yup! Played manhunt in my childhood, lot's of fun and laughs.
But in an urban environment...running through backyards, in between buildings alleys, and parked cars.

Did get to play it once in a Xmas tree farm at night, during a camping/rafting trip. But we were college students, no flashlights, and a few guys and girls were extra hard to find.
+1 for urban Manhunt. Alleys, parked cars, backyards, fences, storage sheds... fun. There were alot more hiding places you could get to if you were a good climber.
I work with the high school kids at our church's youth group and every year I get the honor? of chaperoning the fall retreat. We play a game with the youth called Gestapo which is basically a variant of capture the flag. Last year the kids were filled with shock and awe when I whipped out the Surefire M4 Devastator and lit 'em up! I am hoping to build some type of ROP to take along this year. I guess I have until November.
No, but I did play Carmageddon.

Oh, not that Manhunt. Sorry.

I played a few games in which searching for people was involved, until I realized it was much more satisfying to let them keep hiding and head back to base. :p
Sure, we used to play it in almost every summer camp, mostly in the woods.
No flashlights were allowed, and it usually was a huuuuge area, so it took a few hours..... once you get used to the silence, it can get pretty scary. At least when you're a child.
We called it "hide and seek" perhaps because the girls would play too. I've never heard it called "manhunt"
we played in a huge apartment complex; most games never even officially "ended" because of the huge boundaries we layed out; so I guess technically we could go back and complete a few manhunt sessions. haha. big fun tho; we would stay out hours playing that game; Im surprised the cops never got called on us...