Did we ever yet se a Gatlight mod ???


Apr 13, 2005
Did we ever yet see a Gatlight mod ???

I cannot remember one so I think it is time to go for it :)

The actual V3 hype caused me to think about the Gatlight again and especially about the four pieces I own:
A CR123 V1, a 168S V1 and two CR123 V2 (Ti and SS)

For me the Gatlight is the most impressive design which is currently at the market, but as nice as it is, there are also some disadvantages.
We all know about the switch problems especially with the continous brightness of the V2 - this problems seems to be sortet out now with the V3...
I always asked me why the Gatlight was never offered with a reflector, which would probably take much more advantage of the LED.

As I always found the V1 to be the prettiest of all but also found the 168S to be a bit too long, so I decided to shorten it down to accept 123 cells, to give it a reflector in the front and to design another switch for the back.

As I had this idea just today I am not yet very far, I just took apart the light and tested an MCR20 to fit:



I will post updates here when the work goes on...
Next I will have to give some heat to the remaining Gatlight to kill the glue and make it possible to take out the bars.

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No interest so far ???

OK it doesn't really matter and the show goes on...

The first todays news is that I decided not to cut down the light to a 123 - it would be too bad to destroy one of these rare V1 168 lights...

Then I completed the frontend of the light.
I opened the bezel and cut down the reflector to fit.
It was also necessary to do a little cutting to the module housing of the light to focus the LED.
Then I switched to black hexa srews, all holes needed to be opened for this...
Here we go, the first pics are comparisations with an original V1:




I also started at the backend - all screws are now hexagonals and as you see there are no longer three srews to hold the old switch.


I will now cut a threding into the backend to take a new made switch directly.

Until soon... Jochen
I was wondering the same thing : why no reflector ? but since i dont own any of those famous GAT's i coulndt do anything on that fornt, sooooo i am trying to convince a friend of mine to start grinding the parts for 2 or 3 of them, but finding Titanium around here is same as a one (1) leged dog chasing a healthy rabitt. The search goes on.

Anyway, keep the good work.
I would love to mode my Gatlight...I have been wondering if any of Don's reflectors would fit...Thanks for heads up...
Awesome mod ! Be sure to make a good seal with the reflector !!