Diffuser for Surefire L1


Newly Enlightened
Dec 3, 2005
I just got a new Surefire L1 with the 10/65 light levels. Super light tool but I need a beam diffuser to make it even more useful. Some thing to soften and spread the light for use in very dark and close in situations. My older L2 has a very nice beam but is not near as pocketable so I went with the nice sized L1 which has a much more narrow spot type beam. I looked on the Surefire site and they sell several diffusers but none that are labeled for the L1. Does something exist that will easily work? I have heard rumors of certain water bottle caps that fit and do an adequate job. Is there such a thing that fits well? Any other better solutions area very appreciated as well. Thanks!
Howdy, Sundog.

You need the F04 Beam diffuser.

It'll make the light much more useful, practically a whole new light. Then you'll have the choice of great throw or great flood.

Thanks so much Shades. :cool:

I went back to the SF site and checked out the bezel diameters and found that the ones listed are 1" and my L1 is as well. I have it on order. I agree, I think this will add a very useful dimension to the L1.
You will probably lose about 25% of the light output with the F04, but have a nice wide even beam.

You will probably lose about 25% of the light output with the F04, but have a nice wide even beam.


Perfect. That will be "low" then and will be good for looking at a page or close work. Nice soft light when needed as well. The diffuser will just slip off for the more powerful lighting needs.
I found out a MiniMag accessory kit (anti-roll rubber bezel cap with red, blue, and clear lenses) will fit the L1 perfectly. Took some sandpaper to the clear lens and made a diffuser.

I find the end of the minimag kit sticks out, like 3/8" from the end of the L1. Is this also the case with the actual F04 beamshaper?