I just recieved my Tk11, Ultrafire charger and 2 AW 18650. It surprised me when the batteries came fully charged. I have a T1 with the OP reflecter and i really wanted to compare the two. I saw a review about a week ago about the Tk11 and it included pics and video. I was amazed to see how bright and how much throw it had. Well I compared the two lights and right away notice the huge dark cree ring around my hotspot, I mean this thing is huge. It gets worse up to a certain distance the hotspot and spill are completly diconnected. This was upsetting. Since the Tk11 has the smooth reflector i would think i would have a noticable throw differnce compared to my OP T1. No this is not true the TK11 beam is tighter but does not have more throw. Is what you all are getting to, because im going nuts.