District 9 the movie...any good?

My friend gave it a big thumbs DOWN.

He said they were trying way to hard to send a message to the audience. He still is not sure what the message is supposed to be. And that message ruins the movie, because instead of working on the plot, they try to only do the message.

I purposely left all details out, just in case you do decide to see it.
Very good flick, much better than anything else (action related) this summer.

The effects were top-notch, better than anything in big budget Hollywood (D-9's budget was 30 million).

Highly recommended.

As for a "message": A majority of movies have some "message" that's being delivered, usually political. There is a message in D-9, but it's subtle and relates mainly to the issues in RSA; it doesn't detract from the movie.
I think I might go see it. The previews remind me of the the PC game HalfLife2.

Edit: if MSNBC rated it highly, I might just wait for it on dvd. I would love to know what the underlying message is. I guess I'll hit the reviews and reconsider seeing it if the message is overwhelmingly choking to me.
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Wasn't what I expected, I'm a bit prone to motion sickness and the beginning got me feeling a little nauseous, the film is shot 'documentary-style.' I'd give it an 7.5/10 because it was entertaining :)
Wasn't what I expected, I'm a bit prone to motion sickness and the beginning got me feeling a little nauseous, the film is shot 'documentary-style.' I'd give it an 7.5/10 because it was entertaining :)

So it's similar to that movie about the Godzilla type monster that tore up New York and was supposed to be filmed by those kids at a party? I don't remember the name of the movie I'm refering to, sorry.
I just got back from seeing it. It was OK, but not all that special. The main character was kind of a weasel at the beginning so you really didn't care a whole lot for him when things started getting bad. But it least by the end he turned into a decent human being, morally at least. Overalll the story didn't have a whole lot of plot and some of the action didn't really seem to have a lot of purpose beside the gross out factor. If I had it to do over again, I'd wait for the DVD.
Oh yeah, Cloverfield. What were they thinking when they named it that? The title didn't exactly make me want to see it and as you know it is not even memorable. As for District 9, I am looking forward to it.

Yeah, that was it. Cloverfield was about as good as The Village by M. Night Shyamalan.

I still want to see District 9, some of the previews look decent.
He said they were trying way to hard to send a message to the audience. He still is not sure what the message is supposed to be. And that message ruins the movie, because instead of working on the plot, they try to only do the message.

I have issues with a few certain body parts...trying not to give any details.
one minute a head gets blown off, then another, then another...once you remove the dramatic gore and all that then the story becomes apparent...but you might not understand until the very end.

I didn't take it too well...ymmv
It was ok, but the documentary style of it really brought it down in my ratings system. I'd give it a 6 of 10.

At the theatre I went to, the colors were pretty washed out too. It could be the theatre, or it could be the film, ymmv.

I didn't catch the subtle message at all, anyone care to fill me in via PM, so as to not spoil it for anyone?
Excellent flick. Best cgi I have ever seen.

Good story.

Movie could have benefitted from being longer, although it wasn't short to begin with.

Turnabout's fair play...
The whole movie isn't faux-documentary. It's interwoven into the narrative.

As for the "message," you have to look at the history of RSA (Republic of South Africa), Apartheid, and especially a part of Cape Town, called District 6.

The prequel, of sorts, also done by the same Director is called "Alive in Joburg" and is available on Youtube.
I take that back, after watching it it's actually pretty decent. Good thing the annoying camera work is only during the beginning.
I take that back, after watching it it's actually pretty decent. Good thing the annoying camera work is only during the beginning.

Yeah, I hate the 'shakycam' thing. Can't say I remember noticing it or remembering it (like cloverfield and the stupid borne supremacy movie).

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