Do you guys know of any manufactures that offer Military/LEO discounts?


Newly Enlightened
Dec 12, 2007
Hey guys, I am currently in the Military and start academy for LEO in Janurary. I have an E2D and a M4 on my AR-15, but I need a larger belt carry light. My father has a Wolf Eyes 9D (Cree Q2 HO) Raider and it has been a very good flashlight. Good spill but still has a decent throw, and the batteries seem to last for a while.

Anyway, there are a couple of things I guess I need to know. Number one if there are any Military or LEO discounts. I have not started with the Police department yet (have signed a contract but don't start until Jan) so I might need to look for a Military discount. The second question is what suggestions do you have? The Raider has been good but it is three years old and the technology in these lights seems to advance at about the same rate as computers... If you guys have any suggestions then I would be happy to hear them.

I have looked at the Black Bear flashlights and they look very impressive but there are a lot of other good flashlights out there. It will need to be rechargable capable (have just now ordered some rechargable CR123's for the E2D and M4, don't know enough about what other batteries are compatible) which is something that I have really liked about the Raider. This is going to be a Christmas gift from my father so if I can keep it around $250 or so then that would be good as well.

I tried searching but the search engine can be a bit finicky, I did not find much but I may have been putting the wrong search terms in, actually that is a pretty good possibility. :D

Anyway, I appreciate your time and responces. Have a good Christmas everyone!
Sorry to say you've probably wasted your money on those rechargeables for the E2D and the M4, RCR123s aren't usable in those lights without altering the bulb.

If you've got the 3v versions they do not have the capacity to safely run them, if you've got the 3.7v variety you will blow your bulb.

You need to read this post before spending any more money on batteries or lamps:

It's a long thread, but read it, you will then know all there is to know about rechargeable options for your lights.

As for discounts, this thread should be of some use:

I suggest you look around the Dealers section and follow the instructions you will find on how to become a member at Optics HQ. If you are looking for any Surefire products it would be worth your while.
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You are looking for something bigger than a M4 for belt duty? I cannot imagine why anyone would need to carry something that big around. A standard 6P is fairly common and more than capable of anything you need. For something that will be used for primary use and duty I would not get to exotic or experimental. What type and brand of batteries did you buy?
Seriously - a 6P with the LED module of your choice and you're good to go.

From the various threads dealing with flashlight recommendations for LEOs, you probably don't want to go larger unless you absolutely have to because you're going to be sporting a lot of gear on that belt already.

No, no, the M4 is mounted on my AR-15 and it works great on it as a weapon light. I am looking at the Fenix TK11 for belt use and either the TK30 or JetBeam M1X for a duty light. Both look to be good choices but the M1X may have a better UI from what I have read.

Thanks for the responces.
brigadequartermasters and actiongear(dot)com offer habe to register as LEO/Military though...I believe uscav does as well???