Do you like your Novatac?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Sep 16, 2004
The Heartland of America
I have an HDS U60GT and LOVE it. I want a Novatac 120P but I want to know if you Novatac owners like them as much as the HDS fare. Are they as good? Worth getting? (Please say they are, 'cause I REALLY want one BAD!!!)
Yes, I love it. It is my EDC. I like it for its size and durable build. It has a great programmable UI that allows you 4 settings anywhere from .08 lumens all the way up to 120 lumens. Any one of your programmed settings is available with a click. It also has some strobe and SOS settings if you desire. I never use those and have my light set for 1.3L, 15L, 60L, and 120L. Once you have your light programmed to the settings that fit your needs, it is a very simple light to use. Any of your settings are only a simple click away. No cycling through levels to get where you want. It has a nice smooth beam that has decent throw with a spot that transitions very smoothly into very useful spill. This is another great light I am happy to have in my collection, and would highly recommend as an EDC light. It also feels like it could take some real abuse and keep on going.
Ditto what bondr said...

Once I got my SF L1 led, I thought it was the best functional light; great beam, simple UI, SF quality. Only problem was the rechargeable batteries issue.

The day I got my 120P, I wasnt thrilled with the UI and the grip size. But after playing around with it for the past week- its hands down my favorite light: runs on rechargeables, UI becomes real easy to use with time, the low is really low, and mine was modded by whc so its pretty bright on high.
First light I reach for around the house....

I just cant bring myself to use it at work cause I'm paranoid about losing it but will have to bring it in for 1-2 days just to see how it works in a real world setting.
I really like my 120P. It's now my most used light, riding in a Blade Tec holster on my belt for easy access. It's by far my most functional light and probably will prove to be the most durable. Mine took a bunch of hard knocks this summer while I worked on my baler. I had to replace some of the parts inside the bale chamber so I was working on top of an eight foot high machine and reaching down into a dark area to work. The light fell into the chamber and down to the pickup at least a dozen times with only a little damage to the annodizing on the bezel ring. There are no scratches on the body or lens.

Mine is currently set for 2.7 lumens, 42 lumens, and 120 lumens, plus strobe. The runtime is great so long as I'm not using the maximum brightness. So far the only use I've found for the strobe was the other night when I took a new puppy out to potty and she decided she didn't want to come back inside. Since we've had coyotes right up to the house lately and the neighbor's huge dog got chewed up a couple of months ago, I couldn't let her wander, but didn't want to go chasing after her wearing nothing but Birkenstocks. Novatac to the rescue :). I hit her with the strobe and she looked confused and went running for the door.

I still prefer to carry my Surefire A2 when I'm working at night, but the 120P is what I carry all day. My Fenix P1Dce has been relegated to the nightstand. I may still carry it when I wear "town clothes" because the 120P is a little too large for me to comfortably carry in a pocket.

I think the Novatac is a very tough functional light. The only thing wrong with it is that I can't really justify getting a new Surefire L1 or U2 because the Novatac already does the jobs I wanted those lights for.

I LOVE my EDC 85-T!!!! It's built like a tank. I really like the .03 lumens for navigating through the house at night. While I've never owned a HDS light, I can highly recommend the Novatacs. From the moment you remove the light from the box, the quality immediately becomes apparent.

I'm one of the few individuals who did not get the P version. I really don't need all the various modes and levels. 85, 10, .03, and disorienting strobe satisfies my needs.......Definitely worth getting!
My 120T is one of my favorite flashlights. I use it a lot more than I ever used my EDC 60. I carry it every night.

It's significantly brighter and has a superior tint to the EDC 60.

I have strobed rabbits and they don't move. Stray dogs and cats don't seem bothered either. I strobed a rat the other night and it charged at me. Fortunately, I was sitting in my vehicle or I would have run, screamed, shot the rat or all of the above.
Like Darth, I got the "T" model (120T). The levels it comes with are perfect for my needs. I don't have anything at all against programmable lights...I just prefer to stick to the KISS theory. That aside, even at their price, I think the NovaTac gives excellent bang for the buck. For now (...history tells me that this WILL change) my 120T is easily my favorite EDC to date. Everything from the build quality to the levels of output to it's modability are fantastic! To me, it was $150 well spent...I've spent a LOT more on other lights in the past, and wasn't NEARLY as satisfied with the results. IMHO, NovaTacs are a great deal!

I love mine, it has been my primary EDC since arrival. Only snag is the terrible included clip. Also I wish it were just a smidgen smaller in diameter... But its toughness and utility outweigh the negatives by a large margin.

BTW don't forget to register yourself in the Novatac registry to proclaim your ownership! Link is in my sig.
hi socom1970, i don't own a Novatac but from what i've read, they seem to be satisfying there customers.
that said, the owners of the seoul modded HDS lights seem to prefer their HDS lights over the Novatacs.
they are both well made lights but the HDS series seem to have the edge in quality/construction and are still the only light that has true "power regulation".
i personally am waiting for Henrys new light which should we should be able to order by the end of the month.
according to the HDS120 thread this new light will be more rugged and efficient than both the Novatac or previous HDS.
Novatac is a very nice flashlight, I also EDC mine, best EDC IMO right at the moment, but that may soon end as THE_day are also getting at, HDS are coming out with a new series of flashlight, should be ready for pre-orders at the end of this month, am very exited about what HDS will be announcing, they have to do a pretty good job, to be able to compete with Novatac IMO.

If you cannot wait, then just go for the Novatac, you can always sell it on cpfmarketplac is you don't like it, personally I cannot see what HDS can do better since the Novatac IMO is pretty close to be perfect.
Novatacs are junk. Anyone with a Novatac should spare themselves further pain and misery and send it to me. :)

I have an 85P and like it pretty well. I do find the programmability to be a little fiddly, but as a light it works very well indeed once you get it set up. Plus the workmanship and overall quality are top notch.
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Yes I do.

I got a P85. Great light for the price. It's currently set at 20, 42, and 85 lumens. The momentary setting is set for disco (disorienting) strobe. Last used walking along the delta levees in Discovery Bay CA.

I love my NovaTac! Its my main edc, and its built like a tank! The price is awesome and I think that its a must have for any collection! I can only smile when I crank mine up to 120 lumens at night, yet the lowest mode is great for the morning walk to the restroom.
