Do you power your Fenixes with "forbidden" batteries?

Lost low mode on L1T v2.0 RB80 on 14500. Lots of reports of the same thing happening on the L1Ds.

1 of 4 L0D CE flickered badly on 10440. While we are all worried about the LED and battery it looks like the circuitry can not support the high voltage/current. All the reported L0D CE deaths seem to have previous flickering problems.
Lost low mode on L1T v2.0 RB80 on 14500. Lots of reports of the same thing happening on the L1Ds.
But lots of successfull tests too, here for example. But I take from you posting, that if I use "forbidden" batteries, my fenix is on risk. :caution:
My "old" L1T works now for over a year on 14500 with no problems. Only the low modus don't work.
L1d with 14500 almost = L2d

wait until you try L1d head with 2x14500 in L2d tube:twothumbs, it's > than P3d...
No :poof: but it gets very very hot after 5 sec or so. It's maybe 2x the brightness of a P3d on turbo. 250 lumens?!
L1D on 3.0v 14500's would be a bright as a P2D, and still retain modes. P2D on 3.0v RCR123's would be the same.

Remember that the L1D, L2D, and P2D all use the same EXACT head.
Lost low mode on L1T v2.0 RB80 on 14500. Lots of reports of the same thing happening on the L1Ds.

1 of 4 L0D CE flickered badly on 10440. While we are all worried about the LED and battery it looks like the circuitry can not support the high voltage/current. All the reported L0D CE deaths seem to have previous flickering problems.

That's because you can't use lithium's on Rebels, that's well spelled out in various threads. the Vf is too low!
If you use Lithium-Ion rechargeable cells in a light designed for Lithium primary cells, you will be subjecting it to 25% higher voltage than it is designed to take (Li-Ions are 4.2V when fully charged).

The usual result is that light looks very bright for a while, then discoloration develops, the light gets dimmer, and finally the emitter (LED) burns out. Other symptoms include overheating, and the 'low' setting not working.

Some lights can tolerate the extra voltage, others cannot. If you follow the manufacturer's specifications and recommendations, you should not have a problem.

If on the other hand you don't mind voiding your warranty and ruining your light, by all means go ahead and try it...
CandleFranky - I should probably make it clear that in no sense are Li-Ion cells "forbidden" for use by anyone here, despite the rather provocative title of your thread.

You will see advice in these forums to the effect that it may not be sensible to use Li-Ions in some applications, and you may similarly be told it is highly advisable to read up on them, and learn how to treat them to avoid accidents, but nowhere will you be told that they are forbidden.

People are free to ignore advice and make their own mistakes, if that is what they want to do.
I'm a LOD CE hot rodder. I've got three of them and 10440 all of them. One doesn't get used as often but the other two get used constantly. One of the CEs was purchased during the first day of availability. So I've run over 50 cycles of 10440 through it. I've got 6 batteries and it seems that I'm always recharging one of them at any giving time on nothing but a little Nano charger. My three oldest batteries are still going strong and charge to 4.2 each time. This is part of the enjoyment for me with regards to the LOD. I don't think I'd be nearly as interested in it if I could only run AAAs.

I run RCR123s in the P1DCE and the P1D Q5. Oddly enough I actually have all 5 modes in the Q5 although the low setting is still pretty bright. Aside from these two types I don't really torture any other Fenix unless 2 RCR123s in the P3Ds count.