Is it me or are we seeing more doomsday movies as we get closer to the year 2012?
It might have something to do with seeing more potential doomsday scenarios that are possible with how the world is today. Should I list them?
1. North Korea has nuclear weapons and wants to sell the technology to Iran who wants to destroy Israel. That's the making of World War III and potentially the end of the world as predicted in the book of Revelation. If there is an attack on the U.S., our missle defense system depends on the GPS system. GPS satelites are aging and will become less accurate before failing if funds aren't used to replace aging satelites.
2. The U.S. is in the deepest depression since the Great Depression. Unemployment is higher than expected. The FDIC is running out of money. More banks are going bankrupt as time goes on. Time is about up for people receiving unemployment benefits nationwide. American industries are disappearing faster than ever before. We're still dependent on foreign oil and now we are at the mercy of nations such as China who own too much of our debt. Our economic weakness is taking away our status as a military superpower and dangerous countries are starting to take advantage of it.
3. Too many people in power are concentrating on taking away our rights, increasing their power, and catering to special interests. Not enough of the government cares about the interests and well being of the people anymore. There's no one to trust if there is a disaster.
4. The digital transition has made battery powered T.V.s useless during a blackout. Communications and getting up to date information on a disaster will be harder if the SHTF.
5. Huge hurricanes are becoming more frequent. There's a category 4 about to hit Baha California and run all the way up the coast. Some newscasters have actually stated that they hoped it would make it to L.A. and put out the Station fire. I'm living in between the two in San Diego county. I just hope the two disasters don't cause mudslides too.
6. Fires in California have been worse in the last decade than ever before. Ramona, CA (my home town) has been ground zero for the Cedar and Witch fires, the two biggest in our state's history. Just today, I got a letter in the mail from SDG&E stating that they were going ahead with their plan to preemptively shut off my power during a high fire danger. That means no communications to get information or to call for help (no T.V., no computer with internet, no home phones, no cell phones with cell towers powerless). Water pumps from the water district won't be pumping so no water to drink even to be able to filter, and no water for firefighters to use on the fire (Ramona is the firefighting staging area for all the county's air support). No way to cook, clean, or do laundry. No working nearby gas stations. No local restaurants or grocery stores open so no way to get food or supplies nearby. SDG&E is sending the people that will be blacked out prepaid ATM cards for the inconvenience, but we have to call to activate them and they'll only work if we are to be blacked out (and they won't be able to be activated if I can't call the number with my powerless cordless phone). Oh yah, local ATMs won't work either with the power out.
7. In California, many "non-violent" prisoners are about to be released. Great, just what I need. To be blacked out, evacuated, and robbed while all my valuables are in my car while I'm sleeping at an evacuation shelter and my house looted for what I couldn't take while I'm gone.
8. California is under a legislated drought caused by a single judge that cares more about a 2 inch fish than the people of his state. The state is not only a tinder box ready to go up in flames, but entire crops have been lost or not planted to begin with because farmers didn't have enough water. Prepare for an increase in food prices. At the very least, we'll get the food, probably from China. I hear they make killer baby formula and children's toys.
9. A massive earthquake has been predicted to strike the west coast of the U.S. within the next 30 years.
10. The Aphophis asteroid has some potential to hit earth within the same timeframe.
11. Osama Bin Ladin is still alive and his group of terrorists are still plotting more attacks.
12. The swine flu has become a worldwide pandemic. If it mutates, there is the potential for millions to be killed worldwide. Massachusetts is already trying to pass a bill that would suspend civil rights during a pandemic and basically declare martial law during peace time. It will force people to be decontaminated, vaccinated, and quarantined. If you live here, you may want to move before you are quarantined in your home against your will and not allowed to leave.
Why bother making up a plot for a new movie when there are so many here to choose from? Doomsday movies are much more scary if they have some truth to them that makes them personal.