Flashlight Enthusiast
My inlaws use a Dorcy Hawkeye (3 x AAA) light for dog walking duties. They bought theirs in a two-pack from Costo for twenty-something dollars. It's a decent, no-frills light, but could be brighter. I found one on the for sale forum here, and decided to get it to try to modify it and give it to them. The head is secured by Loctite, and strap wrenches weren't enough to get it loose. I carefully heated the area with a heat gun, and with leather gloves on I was able to loosen it. A threaded plastic ring holds the star board in, pretty straightforward. The board itself was secured to another round thin disk of aluminum with a metal tang. Not much heatsinking ability here...really none, as there's no contact with the flashlight housing. Shouldn't be a problem, however, as I don't think this light draws a whole lot of current. Due to the design of the battery holder, I'm unable to get a current measurement. Well, I could, but didn't want to take the time to string wires to do it. Ok, the end results...not bad! A big improvement over stock....way better tint, and of course brighter. Now it's a very useable light, and should provide ok runtime (for AAA's anyway). The beam has some rings to it, same as it was stock...not at all noticeable during normal use. This write-up wasn't meant to be a review, just letting other owners of this light know that a Seoul is a straightforward and worthwhile swap. Enjoy!