Flashlight Enthusiast
(TBP) Finish selection ... Bare Ti - TiCN (N/A) - AlTiN (N/A) - Diamond (N/A) - TiN (N/A) - 24K Gold - Chrome
N/A - indicates not available. Diamond & gold unit are only awarded to CPF top contributors and is NEVER sold.
=== Pricing ===
Drake Standard Titanium Package ... $260
Draco Standard Titanium Package ... $275
Titanium Premium Combo Package ... $510
US Shipping ... $5
International Shipping ... $11
Titanium insurance per light ... $4.60
* standard package includes a turnkey light with latest Cree XR-E LED, two batteries, charger spacer and two spare orings.
* Premium combo package are for both Drake & Draco with the addition of tritium installation for each light.
* Default selection Titanium = bare coating & Tritium = green
* Please contact for alternative coating or tritium color availability.
=== Specification ===
Draco Dimensions: 47mm L x 13mm (7 grams Aluminum)
Drake Dimensions: 33mm L x 13mm (6 grams Aluminum)
For additional information please see the following threads:
Draco Intro Thread.
Draco Intro Thread.
Drake Info Thread.
With over 4000+ post regarding these light it's quite daunting and time consuming to research and understand the history & changes that taken place over the years (yes! THREE years already!) Fell free to post in this thread with any question, myself or one of the light owner will be more than willing to help.
=== Available Inventory ===
2x Bare Titanium Draco/Drake
1x AlTiN Drake with barely noticeable cosmetic blemish. -$20 discount pic (left img)
1x TiCN Draco/Drake with ring around the collar cosmetic blemish
=== Ordering Process ===
Add up your order and send in the payment to the appropriate funds source.
Please repost your order on this thread for confirmation and tracking purposes.
Cash PayPal: modamag_std[at]
Credit Card PayPal: modamag_cc[at]
- Please add 4% to your total to cover for the fees.
Money Order/Check: Please send me a PM/email for address.
Sample Cash Payment
PP Amount: $163.50
PP Subject: Drake Payment
PP Note: CPF Handle = modamag
~~~ Order List ~~~
1x Drake Standard Chrome Package ... $155
Standard US Shipping ... $5.00
Chrome Draco Insurance ... $3.50
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