I have a job I will be continually doing for my father in law making some handles for him. The material (for now) is delrin. I am trying to reduce the amount of time I spent on operations, and on of the longer ops is drilling a 12.5mm (.492") hole in one end of the handle. Is there a better drill to use other than a twist drill? I am currently using the tail stock and have to move it after every part so that I can get the parts in and out easily, so its a real PITA and kills my shoulders as my lathe sits kind of high. Are there any other good options for drilling that would be quicker?
Also, how hard would it be to get a .500" drill ground down to .496". There is a pressfit cap that goes in the bottom, and .008"± pressfit is a bit much and unnecessary IMO. And last time I had to go and go back through with the boring bar to make the fit a little better.
Also, how hard would it be to get a .500" drill ground down to .496". There is a pressfit cap that goes in the bottom, and .008"± pressfit is a bit much and unnecessary IMO. And last time I had to go and go back through with the boring bar to make the fit a little better.