Driver of motorized bar stool arrested for DUI

It had a lawn-mower engine. You don't need a license to drive one of those. That's what his attorney should tell the judge. :D
Probably DUI since in most states bicycles are considered as pedestrian traffic but subject to many of the vehicle/traffic laws.

They're just trying to not have to clean up too much "road kill." It's not like the guy was probably going to run someone down but he sure could have drifted into an oncoming car or something like that, and TA DA! Instant hood ornament. Plus if he did get hit, not only would he have been killed but it could have killed or injured the other guy as well.

Shoot, there have been cases of people getting DUI/DWI's while on lawn mowers and other things. Just because someone is creative while drunk doesn't mean they're the least bit safe.
people get dui's on everything that moves :p
Troopers got the call early Sunday morning of an intoxicated man driving a red Craftsman riding mower over several lawns.

Troopers put on their lights and sirens when they arrived, but he didn't stop. The suspect was finally apprehended after a pursuit that went about 200 feet, reaching speeds of up to 5 mph.

It ended when a trooper got out of cruiser and got Lewis to stop. According to the troopers' complaint, Lewis said he did not hear the sirens.
So maybe alcohol really does impair your driving ability. Even on a bar stool to say nothing of a car. Whodda thunk it?

Don't get the wrong idea. An adult beverage once in awhile is OK, but as a friend of mine once said, "Alcohol --The Great Equalizer. It has the power to make everybody a dumba**."

Or as Homer, the philosopher once said, "To Alcohol, the cause of, and solution to, all my problems." (D'oh!)
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It looks like the frame is made out of copper household 3/4" piping.

He should put it up for sale on EBay, including the story to increase its value.

It looks like the frame is made out of copper household 3/4" piping.

He should put it up for sale on EBay, including the story to increase its value.

Apparently, there is a whole subculture of these contraptions. (note deluxe headlight) (even chicks dig it)
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they guy admitted to drinking 15 beers before going for a drive
I once read about a guy getting a DUI while riding a donkey home from the bar. That's not a euphemism for an engined and wheeled contraption, but the actual animal. Four hoofs, tail, head, ears, eyes, a will of it's own and the ability to choose where it walks. That was the whole reason he rode the donkey to the bar, so the donkey could "drive" him home. He still got the DUI. I'm all for hugely oppressive punishments for drinking and driving, but even I think that was pure BS.

If the donkey had been drinking that might be another story.
I once read about a guy getting a DUI while riding a donkey home from the bar. That's not a euphemism for an engined and wheeled contraption, but the actual animal. Four hoofs, tail, head, ears, eyes, a will of it's own and the ability to choose where it walks. That was the whole reason he rode the donkey to the bar, so the donkey could "drive" him home. He still got the DUI. I'm all for hugely oppressive punishments for drinking and driving, but even I think that was pure BS.

If the donkey had been drinking that might be another story.

Then think about what this could cause:

Riding the donkey in traffic and causing a wreck;
Riding through a crowded area and hurting people;
Riding into a ditch or something and killing himself.
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You can be arrested for riding a bicycle drunk.
Here is PA you can be charged with DUI or DWI if you intoxicated while in control of almost anything that transports you on property that is not yours, that includes farm tractors, bikes, dirt bikes, snowmobiles, horses, garden/lawn tractors, golf carts, ATVs, construction or agricultural machinery, etc.
Donkeys tend to be smarter than that. What I mean is that they probably won't put up with other drunken asses.