Newly Enlightened
Read on another thread that it was possible to put 2xAA in a SF 9P and this got me interested. Is it as simple as just dropping in the 2xAA or do you need a special carrier/holder/tube? What about eneloops?
Also looking to put in a Malkoff dropin. When I was originally looking at a 6P, I was leaning towards a M60WLF. Then I read someone put in a M30 size instead of a M60. How much less light output do you get with a M30 running on 2xAA vs a M60? Runtime is not as important as light output, but is it double? Should I lean towards a M30 or a M60. Not really looking for throw but rather a wall of light. Thanks.
Also looking to put in a Malkoff dropin. When I was originally looking at a 6P, I was leaning towards a M60WLF. Then I read someone put in a M30 size instead of a M60. How much less light output do you get with a M30 running on 2xAA vs a M60? Runtime is not as important as light output, but is it double? Should I lean towards a M30 or a M60. Not really looking for throw but rather a wall of light. Thanks.