DX driver for SSC P7 Mods etc .


Flashlight Enthusiast
Feb 15, 2009
Melbourne - Australia

Single mode DX driver

I have been using this single mode driver in my SSC P7 mag mod for several days now . Left driver in picture .

Its rated for 8.4v , but I have been using 3xAA carriers x 3 for just over 11volts , and I cant say how long its going to last , but so far so good . It has lasted longer than the KD SSC P7 drivers , which has to say a lot , and it hasn't blown up yet from being over volt'ed .

I just thought it might be worth a mention :
And if it blows up I will let you know .

I have measured the output and its good , same as the KD offering , but unlike the KD drivers , this one has lasted a lot longer .

The second one in the picture is the 5 mode driver , which I havent tried as yet , but as soon as I have given the single mode driver a decent work out , I will swap it in and see how it goes ...

Physically these are a much larger driver than the KD offering , DX say's a 25mm board , I measured 26mm , a bit large for most applications , but possibly a worthwhile option for maglite mods , only time will tell .
Sounds like fun. Have you tested/measured the output regulation or driver efficiency?

No , Im currently waiting to see if it dies or not ,
I have tested in a light box , and output is up there with the other driver .

Efficiency ?? I think the important thing for me anyways is if it can hold together long enough to be a viable option to the more expensive drivers .

For me anyways , by the time I pay for the driver + postage , the driver will cost as much or more than the Maglite + emitter and heatsink combined making for a very expensive mod .. A XP-G R? mod is far more economical and the results are very good for the $$ invested .

This driver could make SSC P7 Mag Mods affordable ..
Well, at least tell us what output are you getting! Agree with you that the more expensive drivers are unjustified for the cost of the projects they'll go into, and that postage is a real killer (not just on drivers).
700Lumen [maybe a little more] on 9 rechargeable AA's , current draw at tail is 1.03A
I will measure the output to LED when I swap over to the 5 mode driver .
:caution:You are lucky that you got the parts from DX. I have been waiting 3 MONTHS to get the bits that I ordered from that useless bunch.
The service really sucks and no way would I ever order from them again:mad::mad::hairpull:
700Lumen [maybe a little more] on 9 rechargeable AA's , current draw at tail is 1.03A

You should be getting a lot more current than that at the tail. At least 2.5 amps with that driver.

I think you might have already fried something with that driver.:confused:
Prat, that's 1.03A@11v
(see first post)

Ok... I think I'm getting it.

As voltage goes up it will draw less amperage but still be as powerful? (lumen wise)

As you can see, I am still learning.:grin2:
:caution:You are lucky that you got the parts from DX. I have been waiting 3 MONTHS to get the bits that I ordered from that useless bunch.
The service really sucks and no way would I ever order from them again:mad::mad::hairpull:

I made an order with all items in stock, after payment 2 went to backorder, after on month I file a fraud report at Paypal and request the refund.

I believe that they use our money for banking proposes.
What is the wiring setup for changing modes on the 5 mode? - momentary switch or on the power? - Any thoughts on either mounting or cooling requirements?
I made an order with all items in stock, after payment 2 went to backorder, after on month I file a fraud report at Paypal and request the refund.

I believe that they use our money for banking proposes.

No, not really. I have had many orders over the years with DX. I usually get what I want/order about +90% of the time. Sometimes stuff is backordered forever. I go through the DX resolution system, and often can get a credit even months later on another order. I've never had to file a PP dispute, but I also never order very large ticket items from there.
What is the wiring setup for changing modes on the 5 mode? - momentary switch or on the power? - Any thoughts on either mounting or cooling requirements?

OK, to answer my own question, it runs of the power cycling, I'm still not sure what the best way to mount this is though, or the best way to heatsink it.
I read on another thread you can parallel two single drivers for higher output. Anyone tried it?