E1E Tail cap problems.???


Mammoth Killer
Nov 13, 2003
Birmingham Al.
With the new lamps from Lumens Factory this E1E has became one of my favorites however after only a few weeks of use the tail cap is becoming horrible. Once activated it will not click back to the off position and when it does it takes maybe 10 times to get it to do so.

It feels almost like something is binding inside and it takes alot of pressure to activate it when it does work. I took it apart and found it to look like a sealed switch unable for me to open it to even apply any type of lube. Is this a common problem for this light and is there any solution before I send it back for an exchange?

I am not sure the part number on this model however it is the standard E1E tail cap that is push for momentary on or click to have constant on. It also has the lock out function as well.
Call SureFire and they'll more than likely send you a replacement.

When you look at the component onto which the spring contact is mounted, what colour is it?
The entire assembly is plastic and looking into the tailcap where the spring contact rests is white in color. When I removed the threaded tailcap ring there is a black rubber cover that is held in place by the threaded ring and the entire clicky assembly is white underneath the rubber cover also.

I sent SureFire an e-mail about a week past and have no reply as of yet. Maybe a phone call would be better as I have had good luck with them in the past with other duty lights.
Robocop, that is very easy to fix! You just need to adjust those two metal tabs and apply a little bit of lube (WD-40 worked fine). You don't need to open the plastic switch, just move those external tabs in either direction till the fit is right (play a bit with them).

Does that mean this pos Z57 is still unreliable?

I thought with the new (white) internals, these problems would be gone.
Does one mention make all of them unreliable?
No. But only the manufacturer can really make that call since they know how many they've sold, and they also know how many complaints they've had. It's vital to inform manufacturers/suppliers of product defects/problems/issues etc so they can gather this information.

Outdoors Fanatic said:
Robocop, that is very easy to fix! You just need to adjust those two metal tabs and apply a little bit of lube (WD-40 worked fine). You don't need to open the plastic switch, just move those external tabs in either direction till the fit is right (play a bit with them).


WD-40 might dissolve something inside or the rubber boot, I don't think it should be used on Sure-Fire switches.

I used Break-Free CLP on mine.
When I took it apart I can see one very small metal tab on each side of the switch. Is this the tabs you are talking about? It looks like I may be able to use a fine point needle or something however there does not seem to be very much room to play with these tabs much.

When I first got the light the switch was very hard to activate and required much pressure. Over time it now sticks in the on position and has almost zero travel when attempting to disengage the switch back to the off position.

I really hate this as the light is almost perfect now with these new LumensFactory lamps. I may try to adjust the tabs tonight after work however if I do and it does not work will SureFire void the warranty if I have messed with the switch?
Well I have solved this problem and feel like an idiot.....all I did was add a single drop of oil to each side of the switch internals and it works better than new. This switch now feels silky smooth and works with every click of the button.....really amazing what a single drop of oil will do.

I did not have to mess with the tabs or adjust anything at all. I can only imagine that this light must have sat somewhere new for some time before it was bought allowing the switch to be completely dry or maybe SureFire just ships then this way I do not know. I think I will make it my common practice to simply lubricate any new lights that have switching tail caps from now on.

Problem solved and I appreciate all the input.
Robocop said:
....all I did was add a single drop of oil to each side of the switch internals and it works better than new. This switch now feels silky smooth and works with every click of the button.....really amazing what a single drop of oil will do.
Thanks for sharing this experience. I think you may have helped quite a few people.
BBL said:
Does that mean this pos Z57 is still unreliable?

I thought with the new (white) internals, these problems would be gone.
My E1E switch failed too, though it was the opposite of the problem mentioned above. It's the new version with white internals, got it at the end of January, it felt odd from the start and developed trouble engaging within a day of playing with it around the house. I don't see what the color of the switch housing has to do with it since the problem I had (which I think is the main problem encountered with them) was entirely in the internal springs. If my experience is any gauge, the springs are unchanged. I pulled it apart and fixed it by stretching out the springs, following instructions I found on here; very easy. Now it's better than new and I'm confident it will last this time.

As said, it's probably better to call SF than email. I only decided to open the switch up after a couple weeks without a response from them. Now it's been about a month, doesn't look like they're going to get back to me, not that it matters now.
Stiffening the spring will overcome the problem of too high mechanical resistance for some time. In the case of my Z57, it led to wear on the plastic parts in the long term, making the switch mechanically unrealiable.