EDC incans to choose from?

There are some "small teeth" on the bezel from the factory. Sharp enough to eat itself through the pocket of your trousers when you have it in there always. I have two E1Es and they both have exactly the same bezel, so that should be original. It looks exactly like this one:

I used to run it with the Lumens Factory 50 Lumens version of the bulb you just recommended. The 90 Lumens version draws something like 1.3 Amps (I have one, tried it, but abandoned the idea to use this one due to be too hard on the small cell, and the runtime that's too short) while the 50 Lumens version just draws 0.8 Amps. And still gives a lot of light :)

That is referred to as the "semi-crenulated" version of bezel. There are aggressive crenulated versions of bezels for the M6 and M4 that go beyond the smooth and semi-crenelated versions, but they are not very common. The strike bezel is an entirely different thing, and found on the E2D Defender.

The 1.3A is really not hard on the cell if you get an IMR cell. But if you're good with the 50 lumens, that's also plenty of high quality light, and a bit better runtime.
I must seriously thank you! I now bought that flat bezeled head from LF (indeed, under $40,-) and now the E1e is fully back in service. It's in my pocket right now, as we speak :)

Why not just replace the bezel? There are several sources for them. Alternately, Lumens Factory makes very high quality replica E series incan heads without the strike bezel. They're under $40 if I recall. They also offer a 2- way pocket clip for the single cell E series bodies. :D
This thread caused me to dust off this

2017 Aviator with Lumen Factory HO E1A (40 lumens)
I call it the aviatEr.
Incan head, Scout tailcap using primary fuel. It ordinarily has a 100 lumen Tana module but this thread caused me to put in a bulb module.
I got a lumens factory elite head and removed the reflector. with an incand bulb it then operated as an incand "mule" which I found to be a great concept.

depending on a particular bulb you may want to add a diffusing film but not dc fix which is too granular