Elektro Lumens P7 2D 3C Maglite


Flashlight Enthusiast
Apr 29, 2004
For submission in the Reviews forum.

I just received the Elektro Lumens P7 2D 3C Maglite.

This is a 2D Maglite that is made to use 3C Batteries.

From the Elekto Lumens thread.

This is direct drive, optimum brightness from NIMH cells. The switch holder light post will be cut off, and wires soldered to switch and directly to the LED. Heat sink will be pressed in, and is not removable easily (removed with floor press). This is a permanently modded flashlight.

The bin number is 'B' or higher, that's what it will be. Might be 'C', but no guarantee.

Run time should be about 4 hours.

I measured 87F at the head, when the room temp was around 65F. Doesn't get hot. The sink I'm using is 1/2 inch thick.

Option #1: Mag 3D with P7 LED, $99.99 option not available any longer.

Option #2: Mag 3D with P7 LED, guaranteed 'C###' or better: $129.99 plus $6.60 shipping to USA, $14 for International (Global Priority Flat Rate Envelope)

Option #3: Mag 2D/3C (2D Maglite modified to use 3C cells) with P7 LED, guaranteed 'C###' or better: $139.99 plus $6.60 shipping to USA, $14 for International (Global Priority Flat Rate Envelope)

I installed an UCL Lens from Flashlight Lens.

The stock reflector is installed but the "tail" is cut off.

The beam is very white. The beam can be adjusted to remove the donut in the beam. The beam is not as smooth as the Malkoff 2-3D Drop In. I was very surprised how bright the beam was when I first turned the light on.

Current draw taken after the lux readings after 2 minutes. 2.92A

I got a lux reading of 14,600 @ 1 meter after 2 minutes. I used Radio Shack C Nimh Batteries 1.2V 4500mAh.

From the outside it look like an ordinary 2D Maglite.



This is the the P7.






The battery tube has an aluminum tube to hold the C batteries. The batteries do not rattle. Looks to be 1/4" thick.


This is the talicap. The inside looks machined out with the spring lower to accept the extra C cell battery.


Left, Elektro Lumens P7 2D 3C Maglite. Right, Maglite 3D Malkolf Drop-In



These are the lux readings I got. I am using a Meterman LM631 Light Meter measured at 1 meter. I waited 2 minutes before taking the readings. Both lights had fully charged Radio Shack C & D Nimh Batteries 1.2V 4500mAh.


Elektro Lumens P7 2D 3C Maglite - 14,600 lux @ 1 meter

Maglite 3D Malkolf Drop-In - 12,580 lux @ 1 meter (Current Draw - 1.61A)

Maglite 3D MT-I, 3D Nimh Batteries - 4,130 lux @ 1 meter

Maglite 3D MT-III, 3D Nimh Batteries - 5900 lux @ 1 meter

Refer to for MT-I And MT-III

MT-I uses 1 SSC with 27mm reflector

MT-III uses 3 SSC'S with 3, 20mm Reflectors.



Elektro Lumens P7 2D 3C Maglite @ 83"


Maglite 3D Malkolf Drop-In @ 83"


Elektro Lumens P7 2D 3C Maglite @ 83" Stepped down exposure


Maglite 3D Malkolf Drop-In @ 83" Stepped down exposure


Left, Elektro Lumens P7 2D 3C Maglite. Right, Maglite 3D Malkolf Drop-In @ 83"


Left, Elektro Lumens P7 2D 3C Maglite. Right, Maglite 3D Malkolf Drop-In @ 83" Stepped down exposure



Elektro Lumens P7 2D 3C Maglite @ 32' Tight Focus


Elektro Lumens P7 2D 3C Maglite @ 32' Wide Focus


Maglite 3D Malkolf Drop-In @ 32'


Maglite 3D MT-I @ 32'


Maglite 3D MT-III @ 32'



The Malkoff Drop In uses a SSC P4

When the Elektro Lumens P7 2D 3C Maglite is set to "Wide Focus" you start to get the donut hole.
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Elektro Lumens P7 2D 3C Maglite @ 146'


Maglite 3D Malkolf Drop-In @ 146'

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Hi Erny, Thank you for the quick work and outstanding photography! It is really amazing how much more can be seen from the "real world" shots than from the "white wall" shots. Wow!:twothumbs
Nice pics. P7 Maglites are wonderful lights. What is your feeling when using it? I still get the 'oh sh*it reaction' when I use my own (homemade) P7 Maglites. They are so bright that they make SSC P4 modded Mags look like incan MiniMags! It's difficult to show that difference in beamshots, but your outdoor pics were really good in that respect.
Thanks for the nice review and photos. You guys are really going to get me in trouble with my wife. Every time I see a new review, its just another item I want... :)

ernsanada ,

I was wondering if you had a DBS Q5 w/OP reflector and if so, how does it compare with the Elektro Lumens P7 2D 3C Maglite in flood?

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Nice pics. P7 Maglites are wonderful lights. What is your feeling when using it? I still get the 'oh sh*it reaction' when I use my own (homemade) P7 Maglites. They are so bright that they make SSC P4 modded Mags look like incan MiniMags! It's difficult to show that difference in beamshots, but your outdoor pics were really good in that respect.

I said the same thing when I first turned the light on. I tried the light with alkalines first because my nimh's were charging. Once I put in the nimh's I said the same thing again. There was a very noticeable difference from using alkalines to using the nimh's.

I took lux readings with the alkalines and the lux readings doubled with the nimh. I think it was because they were used alkalines.
Hi Erny, Thank you for the quick work and outstanding photography! It is really amazing how much more can be seen from the "real world" shots than from the "white wall" shots. Wow!:twothumbs

I agree! In the whitewall shots it appears as though the Malkoff has a stronger spill, but in the practical beamshots the difference is much more clear. I think this is caused by the light overpowering the camera's ability to capture the image or something?
Thanks for the nice review and photos. You guys are really going to get me in trouble with my wife. Every time I see a new review, its just another item I want... :)

ernsanada ,

I was wondering if you had a DBS Q5 w/OP reflector and if so, how does it compare with the Elektro Lumens P7 2D 3C Maglite in flood?


Elektro Lumens P7 2D 3C Maglite @ 32' Tight Focus


Elektro Lumens P7 2D 3C Maglite @ 32' Wide Focus


DBS V2 Q5 3 Way Module OP 18650 @ 32'


Elektro Lumens P7 2D 3C Maglite Tight Focus @ 146'


Elektro Lumens P7 2D 3C Maglite Wide Focus @ 146'


Maglite 3D Malkolf Drop-In @ 146'


DBS V2 Q5 3 Way Module OP 18650 @ 146'

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Nice review and beamshots as usual, thanks a lot, I want a P7 light :rock:
Great review, ernsanada. All that from one emitter. Just imagine being able to slap that P7 into a smaller bodied light.
Great review, ernsanada. All that from one emitter. Just imagine being able to slap that P7 into a smaller bodied light.
With a 2.8a current draw, the smallest light I can see it in is an 18650 light(still much smaller than a 2 or 3D Mag). It also seems to work better with a bigger reflector because of its size.
Thanks Ernsanada. Excellent review, the outdoor shots are very revealing.
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Thank you very much for the shots of the DBS ernsanada. Outstanding! Now I want a Elektro Lumens P7 2D 3C Maglite.
The distance to the tree is 146'.

The above posts are corrected.

Elektro Lumens P7 2D 3C Maglite Tight Focus @ 146'

Please forgive my ignorance - but - what is the value of using 3 C's instead of 2 D's?