Energy seed - I want one :)


May 21, 2008
"The idea is to encourage people to throw their batteries away into the Energy Seed. There's a slot for nearly every size battery. The unit combines any left over juice from all the batteries to power a super efficient LED ring".

Energy seed
I can't say whether it's really functional as far as powering the light, but it's concept of saving the earth isn't. Exhausting the cell doesn't make it dissappear.
It saves the planet a bit, it 'collects' old cells for recycling and saves CO2 emissions from the power station in not having to light the path.

Perhaps not in the street but I can kind of see them scattered around the walkways of a high tec campus.

What happens if you put a lithium cell in ??? Stacked in series with all those alkalines....POP !
it takes one leaky cell to blow the whole works, sure cells can be tossed in...but whos going to empty them once they are chock full of cells? Is there a cell transfer system that moves the spent ones to an internal bulkhead where they will be permanently stored with the same safety measures as toxic wastes stored in concrete?

Interesting enough I had this in mind for awhile...mismatched old cells with enough voltage to power a boost circuit until it drains it dry

compared to lithiums, alkalines won't detonate under reverse charge conditions. :naughty:
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My first thought was: "Why don't I just puncture the cells by hand with an awl? That'll do the same thing."

save the trouble...just compress it like everything should see the compressors these days, it can turn a pickup into a suitcase or a semi worth of plastic into something that looks like a small waterheater:D
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