EO-M3T vs. 5761 MOP?


Nov 15, 2007
I'm about to pull the trigger on a lego using the EO-M3T LA on 2X18650s. I want to know how will it compare it throw and total light output compared to the 5761 on 6 Eneloops with a MOP. Any help will be much appreciated! Thanks in advance!
It won't compare at all really. They're two completely different animals. The EO M3T actually works best at 9.0v vs 7.2v. At 9.0v it's about 450 lumens, a little less on two 7.2 large capacity rechargeables.

The 5761 driven at 7.2 volts produces well over 1300 lumens.

With regards to throw, the extra lumens are going to stomp the EO M3T. Also, if you're using that LA in a Surefire head, their reflectors are often more textured and diffuse the light more that most OP mag reflectors.

The EO M3T set-up that you're considering would have more in common with a ROP LO with HOP reflector.

Hope that helps some. :)
Thanks, are the turbo heads OP too? I thought they were SMO, but I have never seen one in person.
Yes, OP. Duplicate texture as the standard heads.


Ok, thanks! I guess I'm gonna go ahead and build it, you never can have too many lights...:whistle:
For sure! It's a great duty/combat type of light, just not of the same "horsepower" class of the hot wired mags. I enjoy mine, you might notice that I have the EO M3T in that one too. ;)
It won't compare at all really. They're two completely different animals. The EO M3T actually works best at 9.0v vs 7.2v. At 9.0v it's about 450 lumens, a little less on two 7.2 large capacity rechargeables.

The 5761 driven at 7.2 volts produces well over 1300 lumens.

With regards to throw, the extra lumens are going to stomp the EO M3T. Also, if you're using that LA in a Surefire head, their reflectors are often more textured and diffuse the light more that most OP mag reflectors.

The EO M3T set-up that you're considering would have more in common with a ROP LO with HOP reflector.

Hope that helps some. :)

I have the following that I have personally compared. Sounds like the EO-M3T has exactly the same specifications as the EO-9L.

EO-M3T T2½ 7.2V, 2.4A 450 Lumens 3325 °K 20 Hours

EO-9L T2½ 7.2V, 2.4A 450 Lumens 3325 °K 20 Hours

I have the EO-9L in my WE Rattlesnake and have compared it with my 2x C Maglite with the 5761 lamp. My C/5761 Maglite is the brightest light I have without a doubt. Even quite a bit brighter than my WE 3x18650/EO-13 light which is rated at 700 lumens. If you are happy with the 450 lumens then why not go for the Rattlesnake with the EO-9L lamp, mine has the LED tailcap, which I actually use quite a bit around the house.
IThe EO M3T actually works best at 9.0v vs 7.2v. At 9.0v it's about 450 lumens, a little less on two 7.2 large capacity rechargeables.

The EO M3T runs brighter and whiter on 2 Li Ion cell cells, which are nominally 3.7 V each but closer to 4.1 V fully charged than on 3 CR 123s. If you believe that 3 CR123s are 9 Volts vs. 7.2 for the Li Ion option, you are forgetting how much CR 123s sag under load.

In any event, a 5761 is a lot brighter :thumbsup:.
I have the following that I have personally compared. Sounds like the EO-M3T has exactly the same specifications as the EO-9L.

EO-M3T T2½ 7.2V, 2.4A 450 Lumens 3325 °K 20 Hours

EO-9L T2½ 7.2V, 2.4A 450 Lumens 3325 °K 20 Hours

I have the EO-9L in my WE Rattlesnake and have compared it with my 2x C Maglite with the 5761 lamp. My C/5761 Maglite is the brightest light I have without a doubt. Even quite a bit brighter than my WE 3x18650/EO-13 light which is rated at 700 lumens. If you are happy with the 450 lumens then why not go for the Rattlesnake with the EO-9L lamp, mine has the LED tailcap, which I actually use quite a bit around the house.
The Rattlesnake is excellent. However, it is missing the shock proof bezel. That's one reason to choose the EO-M3T setup instead.
For sure! It's a great duty/combat type of light, just not of the same "horsepower" class of the hot wired mags. I enjoy mine, you might notice that I have the EO M3T in that one too. ;)

What kind of range do you have with the turbo head setup? Someone on here said 400 yards with the HO-M3T, but I don't know how much light is actually making it out that far.
Just ordered everything via Lighthound and Optics Planet. Hopefully everything will be here in a week! With 2 LAs, and 4-18650s, it was around $300.:green: That is the most I have ever spent on a light... That might change when the Invictus (sp?) comes out though...:devil:
The EO-M3T is 450 bulb lumens at 7.2V, at 9V it would instaflash or come very close to instaflashing. On 18650s it can actually exceed 450 bulb lumens fresh off the charger. For my estimated torch lumens see the compatibility chart. But the 5761 on that type of overdrive is going to be 2-3X brighter and quite a bit whiter, so they are going to appear to be in completely different leagues.
I think this will be a little more practical than the 5761 when it comes to runtime. I like the crazy bright of course, but the runtime is a little prohibiting.
I think this will be a little more practical than the 5761 when it comes to runtime. I like the crazy bright of course, but the runtime is a little prohibiting.

I think its about 36 minutes for the 2x C Li-ion and 5761......and about 55 minutes for the 2x 18650 and EO-M3T.
What kind of range do you have with the turbo head setup? Someone on here said 400 yards with the HO-M3T, but I don't know how much light is actually making it out that far.

In real use it's good for about 100-125 yards and any more is pushing it. I feel that 400 yards isn't realistic in any way. That's HID and high powered spotlight territory.
The EO M3T runs brighter and whiter on 2 Li Ion cell cells, which are nominally 3.7 V each but closer to 4.1 V fully charged than on 3 CR 123s. If you believe that 3 CR 123s are 9 Volts vs. 7.2 for the Li Ion option, you are forgetting how much CR 123s sag under load.

BSBG, I promise that the Lumens Factory EO M3T Lamp assembly is brighter on 3 x 123 primaries that it is on 2 x 18650s. I'm sitting here looking at the beams on my living room wall. The 2 x 18650s are a bit more orange and a ceiling bounce shows that they're producing a bit less overall light.

The EO-M3T is 450 bulb lumens at 7.2V, at 9V it would instaflash or come very close to instaflashing. On 18650s it can actually exceed 450 bulb lumens fresh off the charger. For my estimated torch lumens see the compatibility chart. But the 5761 on that type of overdrive is going to be 2-3X brighter and quite a bit whiter, so they are going to appear to be in completely different leagues.
mdocod, I said that "At 9.0v it's about 450 lumens." It's less than that at 8.2 - 7.4. I believe that Lumens Factory is just under driving the EO M3T on 2 x li-ions 8.4 volts max, given that it was designed for either 2 x li-ions or 3 x CR123s. Specs:


When fresh batteries are installed, the 3 x CR123s are a little bit brighter and whiter than 2 freshly charged 18650s. I'm sure that you understand this.

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