Favorite V54 Light


Flashlight Enthusiast
Feb 12, 2016
United States
Lots of things, we have had electronic toys go off randomly by themselves, things have been moved or opened that have not been touched, my wife got video of a toy moving real slightly on its own on the floor by itself, freaked her out. Our house was built in 1900 so I'm sure theirs probably more than one spirit here. We don't get to worked up anymore about any of it, nothing has been harmed or anything like that. Just small things once in a while that has no other explanation.

I see. I asked my co worker about those thing. She told me the microwave was turn on by itself, and radio station was randonly changing, it been on for the couple months when she first move in. Now its goes away.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 12, 2015
It's not like in the movies, but things do occasionally happen. I would believe the microwave and radio, we've had similar things here over the years.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 12, 2015
I'll try, we've gotten used to most stuff and don't think about it, they come and go, sometimes months before anything will happen. It's been a while, so we're probably about due again soon.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Feb 12, 2016
United States
I'll try, we've gotten used to most stuff and don't think about it, they come and go, sometimes months before anything will happen. It's been a while, so we're probably about due again soon.

As long as he or she dont harm your family, its all good..


Apr 2, 2016
Ontario, Canada
Anyone seem or heard activity of ghost or spirit movement??

That's why Drummer132132 posted about doing paranormal investigation in "The Lounge" thread. I guess he meant to post it in this thread. Go see what he wrote. Scary stuff.

MikeB, I don't know how you can live in a house with spirits. You and your wife are obviously very brave people! I'd be out of there in half a second (or less). No bags, no purse, no shoes, nothing, I'd just RUN (screaming, lol). It's interesting to read about this stuff on CPF. I didn't think anyone on here would have experienced stuff like that.


Flashlight Enthusiast
May 21, 2016
There was a ghost living in my attic when I bought my house back in 2002... he lasted about a week before he left. I begged him to stay but he said I was too needy.


Oct 17, 2013
Manchester UK
Years back when me and Rach moved above her dads chip shop for 9-12+months we had a ghost! His name was John(surname will come to me as documented in the libruary). Building is a 17th century old thing, you know, the type with cellars that whack you in the head as the roof beams are 5ft off the ground... Bits had happened prior to us moving above which she used as a studio too, fridge of pop cans exploding to an old man sat in the back room . One of the women who worked there said " your dad seems nice, just been talking to him" ......"my dad?" So he went out back to nothing, no one there and no where to go either to sneak in and sneak out without being noticed anyway.

So thats a brief bit, now my experience happened several times during living there, from extreme cold spots, foot steps and bangs on the upper doors at night(goes without saying all locked up and no one there as her dad always said "beep that, ya won't catch me up there at night!"

One night I got a call in work as I was on 2-10 shift, she thought I was messing about with foot steps and trying the door upstairs (old rickety wooden stairs). I answered and she heard the machines in the back ground....all went silent and I could sense panick. So I had to leave early that night to reassure her all is fine and what became a normal saying "it's just John ".

One night I can remember (many nights over close to a year of stating there)there was an intense cold spot on the landing near the bathroom, real cold type spot. From being infront of an open fire type feel to going out in the snow naked feel! I got in bed, maybe 12 ish and lots of noises bangs the usual stuff. We snuggled up , my arms wrapped around her so we both knew it was impossible to be us. Across the room where she had back drops hanging was a step ladder. Resting on the top were several bull dog clips(for clipping back drops up). I noticed and knew they were there as they have been for days. Next minute I got hit, instinct told me it was from the far side of the room, happened again and a 3rd time as one landed right near my head .Now pretty pi55ed off I jumped up out of bed ranting, fumbled for the light switch for the bulb to pop/explode! Aaaaaaargh real annoyed now(no flashlight at hand either!, how it would be different now :laughing:)

Then after changing out for a spare, the phone started to make noises through the external speaker . You know , the beep beep as if someone was dialling it. This is in the office part,always locked ......Then a voice, kind of 3D sounding, echoing in the room but hard to understand . Maybe old English but I am not sure how it sounds anyway......I looked out front expecting a drunk, street was dead and not a soul about...

Pretty much every night or at least every other night something would happen, that night was extreme ! As I have a pretty open mind I don't believe or ather did not believe in ghosts. I always wanted proof, now i need proof to prove otherwise ....
Believe or not and how brave is rach(never bothers me as I found entertaining usually, other than the night mentioned with the voices that kept us awake till 5:30am and had to get up at 6am for an early shift that day..) I used to work 3 rotating, so every 3 weeks a night shift, rach would sleep there all alone ......with no exaggeration, real bumps in the night.

The name has come to me, John West iirc and no not the tuna John
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Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 12, 2015
That's why Drummer132132 posted about doing paranormal investigation in "The Lounge" thread. I guess he meant to post it in this thread. Go see what he wrote. Scary stuff.

MikeB, I don't know how you can live in a house with spirits. You and your wife are obviously very brave people! I'd be out of there in half a second (or less). No bags, no purse, no shoes, nothing, I'd just RUN (screaming, lol). It's interesting to read about this stuff on CPF. I didn't think anyone on here would have experienced stuff like that.

Its not that bad really, the movies make us think it should be scary. We haven't had them do anything to us, they are harmless for the most part. It's just odd having a talking toy just randomly start talking on its own, or we've had the balls with flashing lights when you bounce them start flashing just sitting there, or just things that have moved that no one has touched. The biggest thing is our dog senses a presence of something once in a while, but ours just "hangs around" and has never "hurt" anything or anyone.