Fenix L2D Q5 - didn't like it

Igor Porto

Nov 27, 2008
Hi guys! I've been in CPF for around a week. A flashlight enthusiast since I was a kid, and the MagLite being the first good light, as for most around here. I like the MagLite 2D LED because it can throw a far beam, and is very well made and resistant, despite all the efficiency problems with the LED.

Well, I decided that it was time to get my very first good flashlight. Last week I bought a Terralux 2AA TLF-3C2AAEX with a Q4 CREE rated at 220 lumens on high and 100 on low, with 1.5 and 6 hours battery life, respectively. I started using it with 2500mAh Sony NiMHs. It's very bright, with a slight blue/purple tint, which I like, and it spills very well over 25 yards, and has some throw, but it's purpose is lighting up the area. Being used to the MagLite throw, I decided the Terralux was not for me... (maybe I haven't seen the light yet, hehe).

You can see the Terralux here http://www.amazon.com/dp/B001IMCU66/?tag=cpf0b6-20

So after reading a LOT of great reviews about the Fenix, I decided to buy a L2D Q5 Premium and a L1T v2.0 (couldn't find the L1D here in Brazil).

Well, the L2D Q5 not only is dimmer than the Terralux, but it has terrible throw, and a REALLY loud disturbing hissing from the flashlight, when in "turbo", strobe and SOS mode. Really deceptioned me. Expected much more from it, rated at 180 lumens. It's like it has a Q2 CREE rather than a Q5. Yes it says Q5 Premium on the head, but...

The L1T, on the other hand is awesome, has good throw, is brighter at 98 lumens than the L2D at 107 lumens, it's just great for 1AA battery. I even might get another one for backup.

I called the store and they promptly asked if I wanted the L2D replaced or my money back. The L1T I'm keeping for life, really good.

I'll take some pics comparing all the lights mentioned above up to 25yards at night, and will post it here for comparison.

What do you think guys? Did I get a faulty unit, or was just expecting more than the L2D is?

What's the real difference between the T and D series, besides the operation mode? I noticed a big difference in the beam pattern, and liked the L1T much more.

Thank you.
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A Maglite with the stock incan bulb will out-throw the L2D. That's purely a difference in reflector geometry.
Wow, I didn't know Terralux had a new model of their 2xAA light.

Now it fits back to the perfect gift light category. Thanks for letting me know!

Sorry to hear about your L2D, it sounds bad. Welcome to CPF, though. :welcome:
I think you have a bad L2D Q5. I have both the L1T and the L2D Q5. I just took them both downstairs in a dark room. With the L1T on high and the L2D Q5 on high (not turbo) the L1T has a hotter center spot than the L2D but the overall beam of the L2D is noticeably brighter than the L1T.
What I know there are today two 2AA flashlights with a maximum brightness of 220 lumens: This mentioned Terralux LightStar EXTREME 3W LED and EagleTac P10A2. And these have the same runtime as a common 225 lumens light using 2xCR123 cells. Is it a wrong conclusion that flashlights like Fenix TK10 may have been superfluous? If you get the same performance with 2xAA cells you have no reason to choose a light with much more expensive CR123 cells? Just an inch longer body or so will not be a problem.


Regards, Patric
You're L2D sounds like it may be a dud... BUT make sure that the contacts have been thoroughly cleaned just to be certain.
If you get the same performance with 2xAA cells you have no reason to choose a light with much more expensive CR123 cells? Just an inch longer body or so will not be a problem.

For you, perhaps the extra length is not a problem. For others, that may not be the case.

For example, I normally EDC my lights in the front pockets of my pants. I personally find a 2xAA cell light would be far too long for me to carry comfortably in that scenario. However, I can comfortably have a 1xCR123 powered light (I've tried EDCing a 120P, E1B, EX10 and JetBeam Jet-II I.B.S. in my pockets) or even a 2xCR123 powered light (can carry a L4 in my pocket but that's about my limit) with me at all times.

It really all depends on your needs, I think. If a 2xAA configuration does not bother you, then go for it. But if you need a more compact light for whatever reason, then CR123 powered lights will be better suited.
I don't believe that your L2D is defective but that you expected too much of it.
It's a long, very slim light with a long runtime, but isn't exactly extremely bright compared to other LED lights and of course it can't throw far with its tiny reflector.
I've got an L2D Q5 and use it a lot, but if one wants the best brightness, a compact size (i.e. ecd) or good throw then the L2D is not suitable IMHO.

edit: oh, a hundred posts, I guess I may call myself Flashaholic now
I wonder what flashlight I want for Christmas :D
My l2d rebel model is pretty bright for closeup work, and throw is good to maybe 20 ft. max. As said the reflector is to tiny for decent throw.
Congrats on becoming a flashaholic Helmut.G, why are you thinking so far ahead as Christmas, you're now a FLASHAHOLIC, so you should order something way before Christmas. :poke:
Mine seems very very bright...


I wonder is something is wrong with yours?
I don't believe that your L2D is defective but that you expected too much of it.
It's a long, very slim light with a long runtime, but isn't exactly extremely bright compared to other LED lights

Maybe yours is broken too...
What other 2AA lights is brighter than a L2D Q5? :thinking:
Mine to. E01 is sooooooooo handy

Makes for a crazy good camp headlamp when used with a jakstrap. Little glare and runs forever. I mean like forever with even a cheap-o battery. Anyone ever heard of a E01 going down for the count? Also if someone plays with the twisty they can set it lower. I wonder if this would make it run longer?