My Fenix LD10 drops from the high mode to low mode without me touching the clicky. The unintended mode change seems to happen when I apply a slight bit of pressure to the head area, and returns to the high mode when I relieve the "torque." This pressure is very mild (I just hold the light in a fist grip). Also, the head is not near the turbo mode.
Is this common? If not, any ideas on how/what to fix. I have cleaned all the contacts with alcohol, but that only seemed to help temporarily (or coincidentally)
Sorry if this has been discussed, but my searches did not yield good results (so please take it easy on me).
Thanks for any help.
Is this common? If not, any ideas on how/what to fix. I have cleaned all the contacts with alcohol, but that only seemed to help temporarily (or coincidentally)
Sorry if this has been discussed, but my searches did not yield good results (so please take it easy on me).
Thanks for any help.