Fenix P1 modded with SSC..darn, only 90 lumens..


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jun 12, 2004
Brooklyn NY
Issac Hayes did a great job modding my P1, alas, it's only putting out around 90 lumens...
at least it's twice the stock output

(yea, count on a flashoholic to say "ONLY 90", as everyone else would be thrilled)
Look on the good side, it would take a pretty big boost to make it appear appreciably brighter than it is now. If you could boost it to 120 you probably wouldn't even notice it. Besides, your runtime should be pretty good. 90 lumens sounds like a very nice compromise between full power and good runtime.
LightScene said:
Look on the good side, it would take a pretty big boost to make it appear appreciably brighter than it is now. If you could boost it to 120 you probably wouldn't even notice it. Besides, your runtime should be pretty good. 90 lumens sounds like a very nice compromise between full power and good runtime.

I agree, especially with a single cell light like the P1.
Do you have any lux figures as for total output? Whats the battery setup? I did this to my P1 with spectacular results.
Remember that if would drive the led harder, the heat would soon kill the led.

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