I guess the reason I'm wondering is because the surefire T1A is $240 for 70 lums only. The Fenix is that much brighter but nearly 1/5 the price.
I know the surefire is probably better built and has a smoother beam but is that that only difference?
As a friendly nudge, don't rty to turn this into a Surefire vs. Everything/anything else thread. They get locked really quickly, as they usually become crap-slinging-fests.
The Surefire T1A is a completely different class of light than the Fenix, or any other light, really. The two user interfaces are completely different. In fact, the only real similarities between the two are that they're made out of aluminum, use a CR123 battery, and both use an LED.
Other than that, the two are completely different.
The Surefire is a variable output light. To turn on the light and adjust the output, you twist the head clockwise. It is capable of producing from 70 out the Front Lumens, to ridiculously low, fractions of a lumen and everything in between. It is extremely well made,as are all other Surefire lights. The machining is superb, the electronics first class, the warranty is the best in the world, as is the customer service (Surefire continues to provide replacement parts and customer service for lights produced 15 years ago, or more).
The PD10 is cheaper, but nowhere near the same class. The machining on most Fenix lights is very good, for a Chinese light, as is the machining. The Electronics are usually good quality, and most have found the Fenix line-up to be among the best quality of the Chinese manufacturers. The user interface is three modes, and, I believe a strobe and SOS. The modes are changed by twisting the head in a quick on-off motion.
The Quark Mini line-up are all twisties, like the Fenix. The regular line up are clickie's.